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I have received notes from two upon the nice subject, with no end of complaints about stern parients, brothers and brothers-in-law." He says "What news of Vol. i.? I am very anxious to see it, and so are many female correspondents. I look forward with great pleasure to the work." It was now understood that an attack was to be made on Payne's volume in the press.

I served out my time, and now I'm here agin, this time for stealin' a few insignificant clothes. I shall always blame my parients for not eddycatin' me. Had I been liberally eddycated I could, with my brilliant native talents, have bin a big thief I b'leeve they call 'em defaulters.

Then perceiving that his feelings were deeply moved by the intractability of thecruel parientsof the light-complexioned lady, and the black look of things generally, she slightly relented, and went on to say: “If you will put your trust in me, and take my advice as a friend, I can sell you something that will surely secure you the lady, and thwart all your enemiesit is not for my interest that I tell you this, for upon my honor I make only five shillings upon fifty dollars’ worthit is no trick, but it is a charm which you must wear about you, and which you must wish over about the girl at stated times, and it will be sure to have the desired effect.”

My parients was ignorant folks, and as poor as the shadder of a bean pole. My advantages for gettin' a eddycation was exceedin' limited. I growed up in the street, quite loose and permiskis, you see, and took to vice because I had nothing else to take to, and because nobody had never given me a sight at virtue. I'm in the penitentiary. I was sent here onct before for priggin' a watch.

"Ah, Bluenose," said Mrs Laker, as her brother entered, cap in hand, and seated himself among the men of the "Nancy," who were doing full justice to Mrs Foster's hospitality, "I thought ye wouldn't be long in the parlour, for you aint bin used to 'igh life, an' w'y should you? as was born of poor but respectible parients, not but that the parients of the rich may be respectible also, I don't go for to impinge no one, sit down, Tommy, my dear child, only think! ee's bin 'alf drownded, an' 'is mother dead only two year next Whitsuntide; sit down, Tommy, wot'll ye 'ave?"

I don't mean to intimate that the old bachelor is up to little games of this sort not at all but I repeat, he's a poor critter. He don't live here; only stays. He ought to 'pologize on behalf of his parients, for bein' here at all. The happy marrid man dies in good stile at home, surrounded by his weeping wife and children.

"I like to read the Fabulous historys, about the histerys of Robin, Dickey, flapsay, and Peccay, and it is very amusing, for some were good birds and others bad, but Peccay was the most dutiful and obedient to her parients." "Thomson is a beautiful author, and Pope, but nothing to Shakespear, of which I have a little knolege. 'Macbeth' is a pretty composition, but awful one."

Long before the end of this speech consternation was written all over the face of Adam Camp, but his wife was made of sterner stuff, and when her better half had stuttered and floundered half through a sufficiently humble apology, directed, of course, toward myself, she broke in upon his effort, no whit abashed: 'There, Camp, it's easy enough ter see how we came ter make sech a mistake, and I'm sure the young man will bear no malice to'ard a couple of folks old enough ter be his parients.

Wot d'ee mean by raisin' yer dirty foot ag'in a honest man, w'ch you ain't, an' never was, an' never will be, an' never could be, seein' that both your respected parients was 'anged afore you was born. Come on, I say. You ain't a coward, air you? If so, I'll 'and you over to Little Jim 'ere, an' stand by to see fair play!"

Sure I've knowed her iver since she was a purty little curly-hided child; I've knowed her goodness to her parients till the day of their death, an' her gentleness in the time of sorrow, an' her jollity in the time of joy, an' her faithfulness to her mistress in adversity, an' her gin'ral goodness at all times, blissin's on her!"