United States or Mauritania ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Robinson seated himself, and turning his back a little rudely, immersed himself ostentatiously in his own thoughts. "You will gain as you won't be put in the black hole for refractory conduct, No. 19," replied Evans, quietly and sternly. Robinson made a wry face and pushed the door peevishly; it shut with a spring, and no mortal power or ingenuity could now open it from the inside.

Do not begin to pivot on this left toe ostentatiously, or because you feel you ought to do so, but only when you know the time has come and you want to, and do it only to such an extent that the club can reach the full extent of the swing without any difficulty.

Nothing was said openly about it; but the old people shook their heads, and hinted that cowboys, with pistols ostentatiously stuck in their belts, were not the most desirable residents of a quiet village like Marsden. That shot in the darkness furnished a theme for endless gossip amongst the villagers. There was not much work done the next day.

He saw some citizens of high standing preparing to drink at the bar with a group of broad-hatted men, whose bronzed foreheads and general out-of-door mien hinted rather ostentatiously of Honduras and Ruatan Island. As he passed close to them one of the citizens faced him blandly, and unexpectedly took his hand, but quickly let it go again.

Yet here he was committed to a policy which aimed deliberately at outraging all the established decencies at disregarding ostentatiously all the usages by which an assembly of gentlemen had regulated their proceedings. What is more, it was an assembly which Redmond found temperamentally congenial to him an assembly which, apart from its relation to Ireland, he thoroughly admired and liked.

Well, if you go hunting the African idea with the flag of your own religion or opinions floating ostentatiously over you, you will similarly get a very poor bag. A few hints as to your mental outfit when starting on this sport may be useful. Before starting for West Africa, burn all your notions about sun-myths and worship of the elemental forces.

"Wot's in the pistol?" inquired Bumpus, pointing to the weapon which Corrie had stuck ostentatiously into his belt. "Nothin'," answered the boy. "I fired the last charge in the face of a savage." "Fling it at him," suggested Bumpus, getting cautiously up. "Here, hand it to me. I've seed a heavy horse-pistol like that do great execution when well aimed by a stout arm."

That his father and mother loved him better than they loved Amos it was impossible for him not to see; and, as he grew to mature boyhood, a feeling of envy, when he heard both parents regret that himself was not their heir, drew his heart further and further from his elder brother, and led him to exhibit what he considered his superiority to him as ostentatiously as possible, that all men might see what a mistake Nature had made in the order of time in which she had introduced the two sons into the family.

"I'm not so very hungry," said Anthea, trying to make the best of things, as usual. Cyril tightened his belt ostentatiously. Jane burst into tears. The children were sitting in the gloomy banqueting-hall, at the end of one of the long bare wooden tables. There was now no hope.

All round Christophe were officers dressed up in their long, dark coats, with broad, shaven faces, red, serious, and commonplace: women talking and laughing noisily, ostentatiously at their ease: jolly little girls smiling and showing all their teeth: and large men hidden behind their beards and spectacles, looking like kindly spiders with round eyes.