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'Well, her says, 'he's a villin. 'Rubbidge, says I; 'theer's no moor esteemable feller i' the parish, I says, 'onless it's his uncle Ezra. Then her fires up and her says, 'His uncle Ezra is a villin. Then I bust out a-laughin' in her face. Her's flighty, you know, lad, her's uncommon flighty. Six-and-twenty year ago it was afore thee couldst toddle her left the parish because of Ezra."

"I can't answer it, I sartinly can't answer it, friend, onless I know the sarcumstances of the killin'; for there be killin' that be right and there be killin' that be wrong, and onless I know the sarcumstances of the killin', my words would be like the words of a boy that talks in council without knowing what he is talkin'. Ef ye killed a man, how did ye kill him?"

There was another short silence, which presently Bill opened his lips to break. "Lin, it makes me sick to quit. I ain't denyin' thet for a long time I've had hopes of ketchin' Wildfire. He's the grandest hoss I ever laid eyes on. I reckon no man, onless he was an Arab, ever seen as good a one. But now thet's neither here nor there. . . . We've got to hit the back trail."

At this, Easy Aaron gets up an' coughs 'round for a moment or two, recoverin' his nerve; then he buttons his surtoot, assoomes airs of sagacity, tucks the Texas Statootes onder his arm, reepairs to the Burnt Boot an' allows he's ready to defend Shoestring from said charges. ""But not onless my fees is paid in advance," says this Easy Aaron.

You're a-comin' along with me an' fix Cinnabar up an' then you're a-goin' to go down to the depot an' pick you out a train that don't make no local stops an' climb onto it an' ride 'til you get where the buffalo grass don't grow. That is, onless Cinnabar should happen to cash in. If he does " "He won't! He won't! It's only chloral. A little strychnine will fix him up." "Better get busy then.

"Sho' not! Sho' not," chuckled the old woman. "And Mammy Blanche jest as spry now, an' able to do for you, as she used to be." "What? Have you come to stay with us awhile, Mammy Blanche?" asked Broxton Day. "Your brother?" "Esek is daid. His wife's gone back to her own people. Ah ain't got nobody, nor nohin' of mah own in dis here worl' Mistah Brocky, onless dey is under dis here roof.

Wal, you take if from me that you ain't agoin' to begin life agen onless it's in a marble hall sech as you've dreamed about ever since you was shortcoated. Let me hear no more sech talk. D'ye hear?" "I hear," she answered meekly, and went back to her kitchen. Next day she came to us across the cow-pasture as we were smoking our pipes after the mid-day meal.

To-day, afther dhrinkin' a bottle of Gazooma, he will go home not on'y with th' strenth but th' desire to beat his wife. There is a dhrug store on ivry corner an' they're goin' to dhrive out th' saloons onless th' govermint will let us honest merchants put a little cocaine or chloral in our cough-drops an' advertise that it will cure spinal minigitis. An' it will, too, f'r awhile."

"I thought it'd save a lot av throuble arterwards, spakin' as regards mesilf, sorr; fur I'm niver at paice onless I'm in a row, sure!" "Ha, a nice way of making friends pummelling each other to pieces and upsetting my ship," retorted Captain Gillespie.

'Gintlemen, he says, 'onless ye have lived in th' buckboard f'r months on th' parched deserts iv Cubia, he says, 'ye little know what a pleasure it is, he says, 'to dhrink, he says, 'to th' author iv our bein' here, he says. An' Gin-ral Miles wint out an' punched th' bell-boy.