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"And we turned off at Fort Hall, where the Oregon emigration went north'ard, and swung south for Californy," was his way of concluding the narrative of that arduous journey. "And Bill Ping and me used to rope grizzlies out of the underbrush of Cache Slough in the Sacramento Valley."

"I should think I did," said the old man, who had now gone through that complimentary process necessary to bring him up to the point of narration; "and a fine old gentleman he was as fine, and finer nor the Mr. Lammeter as now is. He came from a bit north'ard, so far as I could ever make out.

'Tis rumored he has sent messages to the north'ard for Lieutenant Maynard to sail another cruise in his company." "Then be sure you warn Stede Bonnet," strongly advised Jack. "I would not be disloyal to the Province or to mine own good uncle, but one good turn deserves another."

Halfway through, the wind hauled to the north'ard of north-west, the glass dropped to 28.88, and he turned and ran before a gale of cyclonic fury, missing, by a hair's-breadth, piling up the Mary Rogers on the black-toothed rocks. Twice he had made west to the Diego Ramirez Rocks, one of the times saved between two snow-squalls by sighting the gravestones of ships a quarter of a mile dead ahead.

Lieutenant, I think the Falcon'll take a look at that. These Yankees are getting too bumptious altogether. It's as if they thought they owned the gulf! Put her head two points north'ard. Humph! It's about time they had a lesson." There had been some temporary trouble with the flag of the Falcon, but it had now been cleared of its tangle, and was swinging out free.

"A bad day for us when he sailed to the north'ard. He kills for the pleasure of it. Now Stede Bonnet loots such stuff as takes his fancy and " "He loves to fight a king's ship for the sport of it," broke in the skipper, "but this murderer An unlucky voyage for the old Plymouth Adventure and all hands, Mate."

Soon after the meal was finished, night came on, when the snow began to fall heavily and the wind to blow piercingly from the north'ard and westward, just as it had done the evening before when the poor Nancy Bell was struggling round Cape Saint Louis and rushing on to her doom; but the castaways happily were now sheltered from the inclemencies of the weather, and as they one and all nestled into their blankets as soon as bedtime came; man and woman, Jack tar and landsman alike! thanked God fervently that they were now no longer on board ship.

A dozen mout do it safe enough, but not the hul cavayard." "And would you have the rest to remain here?" "Not hyur. Let 'em go north'ard from hyur, and then strike west through the Musquite Hills. Thur's a crick runs thur, about twenty mile or so this side the trail. They can git water and grass, and `cacher' thur till we sends for 'em."

If it weren't for poor Jackson, who, O'Neil told me just now, was in a bad way, I think we'd got out of the scrape pretty well, for the old barquey is comfortable enough now, and, though there's a heavy sea running and it is still blowing stiff from the north'ard and the west'ard, the sky is clearer than it was, and I fancy we've seen the worst of the gale, eh?"

Often enough, when two of us slept, the one awake and steering could have stolen from the meat. But this never happened. We trusted one another fully, and we would have died rather than betray that trust. We continued to content ourselves with half a pound of meat each per day, and we took advantage of every favouring breeze to work to the north'ard.