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It was a strange sight. Then he recognized his nephew-in-law. And he blanched, partly from excessive astonishment, but partly from fear. "How do, uncle?" said George, nonchalantly, as though he had parted from him on the previous evening. "Just hang on to this pram a sec., will you?"

"Indeed," said the Count nonchalantly, "I shall apologise to you, my Lord, when you have apologised to me for taking my place. As to the castle, it is said that the devil assisted in the building of it, and it is quite likely that through friendship for you, he may preside over its destruction."

They laughed at her enthusiasm. "Newby," said one of the gentlemen, "you 'd better get Miss Catherine to pick your horses for you." Newby winced. "Oh, it 's easy!" said the girl, nonchalantly, "Bone and muscle and a green country boy with a pedigree." As Johnston was leading his horse away, the gentleman who had fallen at the water-jump came up to him. "I want to thank you," he said.

Yet it is probable that Wilhelm was the only noble in the German Empire who was ignorant of the significance of the four letters, and doubtless the senders were amazed at his temerity in nonchalantly ignoring the repeated warnings, which would have brought pallor to the cheeks of the highest in the land.

"I'd rather you brought me a candle," said Lermontoff nonchalantly, although his lips were dry, and he moistened them as he spoke; then, to learn whether money was valueless on the rock, as the Governor had intimated, he drew from his pocket one of the remaining gold pieces, glad that he happened to have so many, and slipped it into the palm of the gaoler's hand, whose fingers clutched it as eagerly as if he were in St.

Before the middle of August William summoned Pete to his rooms. "Oh, Pete, I'm going to move next week," he began nonchalantly. His voice sounded as if moving were a pleasurable circumstance that occurred in his life regularly once a month. "I'd like you to begin to pack up these things, please, to-morrow." The old servant's mouth fell open. "You're goin' to to what, sir?" he stammered.

He wet his lips with his tongue again. "Ten dollars," he said hoarsely. Clancy brushed aside the litter on the table, and nonchalantly laid down a ten-dollar bill. With a sharp little cry that brought on a fit of coughing, Smarlinghue stretched out his hand for the money eagerly. Clancy drew the money back out of reach. "Oh, no, nothing like that!" he drawled unpleasantly.

He was willing to pay whatever expense Fetters had been to on account of Johnson, and an amount sufficient to cover any estimated profits from his services. Meanwhile Fetters picked his teeth nonchalantly, so nonchalantly as to irritate the colonel. The colonel's impatience was not lessened by the fact that Fetters waited several seconds before replying. "Well, Mr. Fetters, what say you?"

And then Travers showed that he was a thoroughbred, even though he could not ride, for he hastily fumbled for his cigar-case, and when the field came pounding up over the bridge and around the hill, they saw him seated nonchalantly on his saddle, puffing critically at a cigar and giving Satan patronizing pats on the head. "My dear girl," said old Mr.

The Pepper entanglement can be explained only by saying that my cousin's mental faculties are impaired." "The rest of the family are afflicted in the same way, aren't they?" remarked Hamilton Dyce nonchalantly. "Humph! yes." Mrs. Chatterton's still shapely shoulders allowed themselves a shrug intended to reveal volumes.