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"I shouldn't call living here having everything I wanted," declared Miss Hopkins, with a contemptuous glance at the tannery house. "I suppose you wouldn't," said Cynthia. Miss Hopkins was nettled. She was out of humor that day, besides she shared some of her father's political ambition. If he went to Washington, she went too. "Didn't you know Jethro Bass was rich?" she demanded, imprudently.

"`So I have, Gil Saul, sez I, a bit nettled at what he said, and the way he said it, `and what I says I stick to. I have seen at Port Philip kangaroos, which are just like big rabbits with upright ears, as big as I've said; and I've seen 'em, too, jump more than twice the distance any horse could.

But, unfortunately, Barrington, who was a man of quick and gusty temper, had been nettled by an incautious expression of Marsham's with regard to the famous article in his Dunscombe speech "if I had had any intention whatever of dealing a dishonorable blow at my old friend and leader, I could have done it a good deal more effectively, I can assure you; I should not have put what I had to say in a form so confused and contradictory."

"On whom neither man nor woman could depend!" "Neither the one nor the other." The exasperation of his tone amused me, as did this chance importance of what seemed to me at the time merely a petticoat situation. "Silk! Mr. Calhoun," I grinned. "Still silk and dimity, my faith! And you!" He seemed a trifle nettled at this.

Why, I supposed, from the condition of these machines that I've been lugging around with me half the day that you must be in the greatest distress. And, lo and behold! I find you a young fellow in prime health, spruce and trim, doing well, I should say, and perfectly happy." "I can't help that, sir," retorted Crombie, nettled, but speaking with respect.

I was at the station at Corinth when the troops reached that point, and found General P. H. Sheridan with them. I expressed surprise at seeing him and said that I had not expected him to go. He showed decided disappointment at the prospect of being detained. I felt a little nettled at his desire to get away and did not detain him.

It is also a ridgy height that runs for many miles through a country. "'Very well, Susy, says Dick, nettled enough, as he well might, 'I say to you, just as I say to your daughter, if you be proud there's no force."

I was nettled by her brusque manner of asserting her folly, and I told her that neither did I as far as that went, in a tone which almost suggested that she was welcome to break her neck for all I cared. This was considerably more than I meant, but I don't like rude girls. I had been introduced to her only the day before at the round tea-table and she had barely acknowledged the introduction.

"Sly little puss, to make fun of us behind our backs," said Fan, rather nettled by Polly's quiet retaliation for many slights from herself and friends. "She does draw well," said Tom, looking critically at the sketch of a boy with a pleasant face, round whom Polly had drawn rays like the sun, and under which was written, "My dear Jimmy."

The liveried gentleman became excited and insolent assuring me, through the guide, that no stranger of any pretensions to gentility ever offered him less than a ruble. I must confess I was a little nettled at the fellow's manner, and directed Dominico to tell him that, having no pretensions to gentility, I must close my acquaintance with him, and therefore bid him good-morning.