United States or Syria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

If there is any doubt in the mind of the would be purchaser as to the character of the seller, that should be the first thing investigated. What the buyer must satisfy himself of is: 1. Who is the seller? 2. What do the bonds represent? 3. Are they negotiable? and 4. Can they be sold again for about their face value?

"You shall not stay in my house," cried Mr. Watts. "This is the last time you shall have a bed at the 'Tregonwell Arms." "I insist upon remaining," replied Mr. Finsbury, with spirit; "I remain by Act of Parliament; turn me out if you dare." "Then pay your bill," said Mr. Watts. "Take that," cried the old man, tossing him the negotiable bill. "It is not legal tender," replied Mr. Watts.

Provision has, in truth, been made to enable Germany to treat Kiao Chou as a negotiable bill of exchange. There is really nothing unforeseen in the recent evolution of affairs in the Far East. On the contrary, it has been clearly indicated by various writers in the past fifty years.

These tallies were often negotiable; Adam Smith, in his "Wealth of Nations," book ii., ch. xi., says that "in 1696 tallies had been at forty, and fifty, and sixty per cent. discount, and bank-notes at twenty per cent." and all without one harsh word or word of dislike, but quite the contrary; which is a good fortune beyond all imagination.

Don't faint now. He splits bulk fortune between you and me. Lawyers figure nearly $500,000 each. Mostly easily negotiable securities. New will made month ago while sore at president temperance outfit. Blood thicker than Apollinaris after all. Poor Uncle Tom. Edward. Despite Edward's thoughtful warning, Cleggett did nearly faint. Nothing could have been less expected.

When you see the three lights throw out what Vincent gives to you. Understand?" I now saw the plot. They had knowledge that old Blumenfeld was travelling with a quantity of negotiable securities which he intended to hand to his agent at Marseilles on his way to Cannes, and they meant to relieve him of them!

There might come a time, he thought, when his brother's paper would be more negotiable than it was at that moment. Korenwinder found no difficulty in discounting Groeneveld's bills, and the necessary capital was thus raised for the vile enterprise.

Let me try again! Suppose you were to hold up a bank messenger in Wall Street and skip with a satchelful of negotiable securities and then, after the papers were through ragging the police for their inefficiency, you would drive up to the bank in a taxi, walk in and return the money, saying you had found it in the old family pew at Trinity when you went in to say your prayers!

He " began Ethel vehemently, but the man interrupted her. "Wait until you have heard the facts. Last week, on Friday, there was entrusted to my son's care for delivery a heavy manila envelope containing fifty thousand dollars' worth of negotiable bonds. It was a matter of vital importance that these be delivered within a specified time.

There were absolutely no Government bonds or currency, while the few bonds issued by corporations were not usually made payable to bearer, and, therefore, were not negotiable, and were of no use to the robber. But in 1861, to meet the expenses of the war, the State banks were taxed out of existence and our present national currency system came into being.