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I've always been proud above my station in life, and disgrace would kill me. My blood will be on your head, sir it will, indeed if you drive me to despair. If you cannot keep me after what has passed, then for God's sake let me give you notice and leave in a month, as if of my own free will. I could stand that, Mr. Musgrave, but not to be cast out before all the folk that I know so well.

It requires from 35 M. to 40 M. brick for a kiln of 45 cords, and 60 M. to 65 M. for one of 90 cords. The belief that population in the West Indies is stationary is so far from accurate that, as Sir Anthony Musgrave points out, it is increasing more rapidly than the population of the United Kingdom.

Brunton had not been at work here. I tapped upon the floor, but it sounded the same all over, and there was no sign of any crack or crevice. But fortunately, Musgrave, who had begun to appreciate the meaning of my proceedings, and who was now as excited as myself, took out his manuscript to check my calculations. "'And under, he cried: 'you have omitted the "and under."

Sunset was approaching on the following afternoon when Rudolph Musgrave, fresh from Lichfield, whither, as has been recorded, the bringing out of the July number of the Lichfield Historical Associations Quarterly Magazine had called him, came out on the front porch at Matocton.

How say you, cavaliers? is your wager won or lost?" "Lost; lost," said Musgrave, gaily "my own silver candlesticks are all melted and riding on horseback by this time, and I wish the fellows that enlisted were half as trusty as these. Here, sir," he added to the Chief, "is your money; it impairs Hall's finances and mine somewhat, but debts of honour must be settled."

He proposed to Miss Musgrave that she should write a history of his life at half a guinea a page, thereby cute Yankee that he was thinking to appropriate the whole of her time.

Presently, after some waiting in the rain, and looking up with awe at the massive defences, two knights appeared with outstretched hands of welcome. Down went the drawbridge, up went the portcullis, the horses clattered over the moat, and the reception was hearty indeed. 'Well met, my Lord of Musgrave! I knew you would soon be where Red Roses grew. 'Welcome, Sir Giles!

He began to talk of white men: of the way in which they had invaded the country and driven the natives back and back till now a mere handful of them survived in such places as the Musgrave Ranges. But the hated white men were never satisfied. They wanted the Musgraves too. They wanted the gold which was there.

And she decided in her heart that she had the dearest and best and handsomest brother in the universe, and that she must remember to tell him, accidentally, how becoming his new hat was. And then, at some unspoken thought, she smiled, wistfully. "She would be a very lucky girl if he did," said Miss Musgrave, apropos of nothing in particular; and tossed her grizzly head.

"It would be a privilege," I responded cordially, "but unhappily I have a sore throat." Evidently, however, she liked me, for when we went to have a cup of tea, she got me in a corner and began to tell me all about the work. It was extremely interesting. Then the matron observed: "And what an angel Mrs. Musgrave is!" "Well, I should hardly call her that," said I, with a smile.