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Break branches. Make a litter a bed to carry her on! Everything depends on getting her to shelter now!" But the two Merucaans did not understand. All this was beyond their knowledge. Ignoring his hurts, Allan laid the girl down very gently, and with them set to work, directing the making of the litter. They obeyed eagerly.

"Listen, O folk of the Merucaans!" he cried. "I show you and I give you, now, into your keeping and protection forever, this first-born child of ours! "This is the first American, the first of the ancient race that once was, the same race whence you, too, have descended, to be born in the upper world! His name shall be my name Allan.

I want to get them settled in their own quarters, and bring them into some regular routine of life and labor, before they have a chance to get homesick and dejected." He warned the Merucaans to cover their heads with their cloaks while Beatrice and he opened the doorway.

"O friend; O son!" exclaimed the old man when he had come close. "Now hearken! For, verily, this is the only way! "It is an ancient custom of the Merucaans that any man captive or free, can ever challenge our chief, whosoever he be, to the death-combat. If the chief wins, he remains chief. If he loses, the victor takes his place. Many hundreds of years, I know not how long, this has been our way.

"Only for you to guide me, to drive the man-brute, to strike it down when it was just about to throttle me only for you, both she and I " He could not finish. The words choked him. He felt, as never before, a sudden, warm, human touch of kinship with the Merucaans a strong, nascent affection. Till now they had been savages to him inferiors.

Your arm still bleeds. Let us bind it." "It is nothing only a scratch!" But Zangamon insisted. "Master," said he, "in this we cannot obey you. See? While you and the woman talked I fetched water, as you commanded. Now I must wash your hurts and bind them." Allan had to accede. Together the two Merucaans examined the injuries with words of commiseration.

More, far more, to their simple minds. I wonder myself at their courage in taking such a tremendous step." And in his heart a new and keener admiration for the basic stamina of the Merucaans took root. "They'll do!" he murmured, as he scanned his lighted chart once more, and cast up reckonings from the dials of his delicately adjusted instruments.

Stern set the Merucaans to work excavating the limestone, piercing tunnels and chimneys, making passageways and preparing for the ever-increasing number of settlers. Their native arts and crafts began to flourish. In the gloomy recesses fires glowed hot.

Oh, damnable idiot that I was!" he panted as he ran. From moment to moment he fired. He paused a few seconds to jack a fresh cartridge-clip into the automatic. "Thank God I've got a belt full of ammunition!" thought he, and again smashed along with the two Merucaans. All at once a formidable roar gave them pause.

She realized she was safe and I was with her again; that sufficed. Was there ever another woman like her since the world began?" Only now that the girl slept did he pay attention to the two Merucaans who, sitting by the cave door, were regarding him with troubled looks. "Master!" said Zangamon, arising and coming toward him. "Well, what is it now?" "You are wounded, O Kromno!