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Don't lie, you little rat, or I'll twist your neck off!" The fellow seemed quite capable of executing the threat literally, as he again shook Jamie savagely. "I aint' lyin' about un, sir!" pleaded Jamie between the shakes. "I were just goin' to look at un, and if 'tweren't Lem Horn's silver fox I weren't goin' to touch un!" "Well, 'tain't Lem Horn's silver fox. It's things of our'n!

Shall I tell 'em we don't want their acquaintance?" "Tell 'em they're a set o' lyin' thieves," said Big Waller. "I guess we'll have nothin' to say to 'em wotiver." "Oui, et give to dem mine complements," added Gibault, "an' say we ver' moch 'blige by dere goodness, mais dey vill all be shooted if dey not go away queek."

"'Twere so cold that wind blowin' right on th' spout where th' steam comes out, when I comes in I looks an' I can't believe what I sees myself. Well, now, I sees th' steam froze solid, an' a string o' ice hangin' from th' spout right down t' th' floor o' th' tilt, an' th' kettle boilin' merry all th' time. That's what I sees, an' " "Now stop yer lyin', Ed. Ye knows no un " "A bear!

"I s'pose I must hev taken two whole bottles. I never, never felt so heavy's this before! What's the old Pan lyin' on it's side fer?" "'Tain't on its side," snapped Phoebe. "The old thing's run away, Copernicus Droop, an' it's all your fault." There was a quiver in her voice. "Run away!" said Droop, opening his eyes again. "Where to?"

Bowmore he came down in the afternoon went strolling off after him. It seems they went down toward the Penn's Meadow barn, Mr. Peytral first, and Mr. Bowmore catching him up from behind. A man saw them a gamekeeper. He was lyin' quiet in a little wood just the other side of Penn's Meadow, an' they didn't see him as they came along together.

"It didn't come into them, sir," replied Mogue, with a smile which he intended to pass, for one of simplicity; "it was lyin' I got it, upon the hall-door steps." "Did you see any strange person about the place, or near the hall-door to-day?" he asked.

"Course not, not lyin'; manatee's all right, only you ain't much ust to 'em and it may be bigger'n you think, 'nd I'd hate to make th' box too little." The lumber was taken on board, the canoe unloaded and laid on the deck of the sloop, the sails reefed and with her skiff drawn close up under her stern the craft was soon flying down the coast.

Most people will admit that the facts of the famous victory are scarcely detailed with sufficient accuracy by the inscription. And, indeed, the American gentleman who accompanied me on my visit remarked that "he guessed the lion at the top was on the whole inferior in size to the lyin' at the bottom of the pillar."

There was a quill-feather lyin' close by my hand the rock was strewed wi' feathers an' the birds' droppin's an' with it I tried to get at the rain-water that was caught in the crannies o' the rocks. While I was searchin' about I came across an egg. It was stinkin', but I ate it.

We'd all jest about made up our minds that he was dead, when one mornin', along in corn-plantin' time, the news was brought and spread over the neighborhood in no time that Dick Elrod had come home and was lyin' at the p'int of death. I remembered hearin' a hack go by on the pike the night before, and wondered to myself what was up.