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Thackeray's pencil is more congenial than his pen. He cannot draw his men and women with their skins off, and, therefore, the effigies of his characters are pleasanter to contemplate than the flayed anatomies of the letter-press." There is the whole article. So reader, author, characters, are rogues all. Be there any honest men left, Hal?

"It is to tell me that he is on the committee of a new illustrated magazine of art which is to start at Christmas, and that he is sure I can help them with the letter-press department while we are in Italy." "Of course you can. And they will require a story: that sweet story of yours has some picture bits that would be exquisite if they fell into the hands of a sympathetic artist.

To clinch the cause, and fuel add to fire, Behind came Hamilton, his trusty squire: Awhile he paus'd, revolving the disgrace, And gath'ring all the honours of his face; Then rais'd his head, and, turning to the crowd, Burst into bellowing, terrible and loud: 'Hear my resolve; and first by I swear, By Smollet, and his gods, whoe'er shall date With him this day for glorious fame to vie, Sous'd in the bottom of the ditch shall lie; And know, the world no other shall confess, While I have crab-tree, life, or letter-press. Scar'd at the menace, authors fearful grew, Poor Virtue trembled, and e'en Vice look'd blue."

But we must not omit the heroine of our extract with tall, etherial form, raven ringlets, and pearly eyes such charms as would attune the wise man to another Song of Beauty. The letter-press of the volume is too in the type of beauty from the chastely-elegant pen of Miss Landon. It consists of tales and sketches, lights and shadows, such as none but her accomplished pen could tell or harmonize.

The letter-press consists, first, of an introductory statement of fundamental principles of ornamentationprinciples, says the author, which will be found to have been obeyed more or less instinctively by all nations in proportion as their art has been a genuine product of the national genius; and, secondly, of brief historical essays, some of them contributed by other eminent artists, presenting a commentary on each characteristic series of illustrations, with the useful appendage of bibliographical lists.

A new and verbatim text from the manuscript, engraved, and letter-press originals, with variorum readings and bibliographical notes and prefaces. By John Sampson, Librarian in the University of Liverpool. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1905. The Lyrical Poems of William Blake. Text by John Sampson, with an Introduction by Walter Raleigh.

He resumed his restless pacing while Tom signed the call for help, read it over methodically, and placed it between dampened sheets in the letter-press. He had pushed the electric button which summoned Stub Helgerson, when the door opened silently and Jeff Ludlow's boy thrust face and hand through the aperture. "Well; what is it?" demanded Tom, more sharply than he meant to.

She found Marion Hobart half en deshabille, lying upon the bed in her own little chamber, busily reading and comparing the letter-press with the coats-of-arms, in a copy of the English Peerage which she had found in Dick's little library, and to which she had exhibited a scandalously aristocratic taste by paying more attention than to all the other books in the house.

The pictures were well reproduced, and he was by now so hardened to the perverse inaccuracy and genial blatancy of the letter-press that he hardly blushed at the aspirations which were attributed to him, until his attention was arrested in mid-paragraph by Barbara's name. Collecting himself and glancing almost guiltily round the somnolent carriage, he turned back to the beginning.

It did not, but Doctor Mazzurana brought out of a cupboard a volume of Tartini's sonatas having letter-press under the music, and this Lipinski was ordered to read in a loud tone and with all possible expression. Then he had to play the sonata, and after numerous attempts and corrections, the old man began to applaud his efforts. Lipinski ever afterwards profited by these lessons.