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Piastre Spanish dollare then I give you carrot." "By God!" shouted Bill Cowan, "ye will take Virginny paper, and Congress paper, or else I reckon we'll have a drink and tobacey, boys, take or no take." "Hooray, Bill, ye're right," cried several of our men. "Lemme in here," said Cowan. But the frightened Creole blocked the doorway. "Sacre'!" he screamed, and then, "Voleurs!"

They turned and beheld Anderson Crow, his badges glistening. "How are you, officer?" said Jackie cheerily. Miss Marmaduke, in her happiness, beamed a smile upon the austere man with the chin whiskers. Anderson was past seventy, but that smile caused the intake of his breath to almost lift him from the ground. "First rate, thanks; how's yourself? Readin' the reward notice? Lemme tell you something.

Lemme whisper in yer ear, if I may make so bold "'No whispering, returned his chief, 'no whispering here. What's the matter with you anyway? And why don't you fetch out The Plank?" "Well, Cap'n, said the bo's'n, rubbing his hands together, nervously, 'you know ME. I've been with you ever since you begun. I was with you in the days of the old 'Panther, an' "'Cut it short! shouted Pedro.

Yo' go in de proper style lemme tell yo', or yo' aim gwine go 'tall. Yo' hear ME?" And Peggy had to meekly submit, realizing that there were SOME laws which even a Stewart might not violate.

And he went on dreamily, "Lemme see I have got to move that lumber in the mornin' up from my wood-lot. But it won't take me more'n a couple of hours, or so, and in the afternoon I'll take a start." Says I, "What under the sun, Josiah Allen, should the Railroad Company give you a free pass for?" "Wall," says he, "I have my thoughts."

He knew that this crowd would have no mercy on him and his heart almost failed him. "Here's a man wants to lick you," replied one of the herders. The drunken man was calling somewhere in the crowd, "Where is he? Lemme get at him." The ring opened and he reeled through and up to Mose, who was standing ominously quiet beside his horse. Bill seized him by the collar and said: "You want 'o fight?"

He peered into the distorted face, he looked at the still twitching body, and an uncontrollable fit of shuddering took him and gripped him. His knees knocked together; his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth; and only one coherent thought hammered at his brain. "Lemme get away; it's awful. Gawd! it's awful. Lemme go."

It's bad enough when some o' deze heah low-down po'-white-trash town-boys hollers 'rats' at me let alone my own white chillen what I done toted in my arms! Lemme go home an' try ter forgit dis insult ole marster's chile insulted me wid!"

"Mine's gone too," said he. "Barn's burned, and all the hay. House is there, anyhow. Lemme out, Wid." "No, hold on," said his neighbor. "There's no hurry for me to go home, now that's sure. Your leg's bad, Sim. I'll take you down." So they drove down Sim Gage's lane between the wire fence and the willows. Sim was looking eagerly ahead. Continually he moaned to himself low, as if in pain.

Don't you even tetch me; jes' gimme a li'l piller an' lemme go lay down on de flo' somewheres. Atter I drop off t' sleep, you kin tear de house down, and hit don't botha me none. Wen I wakes up, I be all right. "Well, de fust time I come home full o' likker she done ferget w'at I tell her, an' staht shovin' me.