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"There's another walk which I prefer; I mean to Prospect Pond. Suppose we walk over to it." "I shall be glad to," said Herbert. "You are a very accommodating professor. You let me off from study when I feel lazy." It was a beautiful afternoon and Herbert was satisfied to lay books aside and walk over to Prospect Pond.

As we sailed along we caught glimpses to port of the warm, red walls of a stately building that we knew to be Westover. We found Herring Creek a good, lazy houseboating waterway; a brown ribbon of marsh stream wandering aimlessly among the rushes. Turn after turn, and the marshes still kept us company the quiet, lone marshes that had come to have such a charm for us.

Seeing him grow better day by day would have effected it, without any other change." Mr. Channing had actually gone himself to see after the luggage. How strange it seemed! Hamish caught him up. "If you can give yourself trouble now, sir, there's no reason that you should do so, while you have your great lazy son at your elbow." "Hamish, boy, I am proud of doing it." It was soon collected.

"Oh, well, then it's because the men are lazy or sick. No decent, self-respecting man would allow it." "Supposing a woman can not marry. She can't propose to a man. What can she do in that case starve? No, Dr. Bigelow, you can't even argue. Every woman should have in her hand, say, a weapon or trade with which to take care of herself.

This was a large log cabin, roughly covered with clapboards, with a wide plank platform in front and a hitching-rail in the road. Several horses were standing there, and a group of lazy, shirt-sleeved loungers. "I'll be doggoned if it ain't Milt Dale!" exclaimed one. "Howdy, Milt, old buckskin! Right down glad to see you," greeted another. "Hello, Dale!

It was at the moment when he was returning, on Quasimodo day, from saying his mass at the Altar of the Lazy, which was by the side of the door leading to the nave on the right, near the image of the Virgin, that his attention had been attracted by the group of old women chattering around the bed for foundlings.

A large English deerhound, who was dozing at her feet when we entered the room, starts up with his mistress, and after a lazy stretch seems to ask to join in the welcome. Mary Anderson explains that he is an old favorite, dear from his resemblance to a hound which figures in some of the portraits of Mary Queen of Scots.

He glanced around once more, and saw that all those in sight were busy with their work. He gave the short man a push, and chuckled when there was no response other than a lazy grunt. Joe took the Indians' gaudy shirt, and, lifting Loorey, slipped it around him, shoved the latter's arms through the sleeves, and buttoned it in front.

It was no place to spend New Year's, however, stiff and sore though I was from the hardships of the road, and toward lazy, silent noonday I wandered on along the trail to the modern capital, hoping that it, at least, might have real beds and a hotel, and perhaps even white inhabitants.

The birds pointed this out to each other, and fell into lazy habits. But, mind you, though Peter was so slow in going back to his mother, he was quite decided to go back. The best proof of this was his caution with the fairies.