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"The first effect of a cigar upon any one demonstrates that tobacco can poison by its smoke and through the lungs." London Lancet. "The action of the heart and lungs is impaired by the influence of the narcotic on the nervous system, but a morbid state of the larynx, trachea, and lungs results from the direct action of the smoke." Dr. Laycock, Professor of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh.

Her husband saw it and began at once to look pugilistic. He could not say anything, for at this moment two or three men strolled up to speak to Lady Holme. While she was talking to them, Pimpernel Schley came in sight waltzing with Mr. Laycock, one of those abnormally thin, narrow-featured, smart men, with bold, inexpressive ayes, in whom London abounds.

I halted at the barracks about 20 minutes to refresh my party, and then marched to Government House, and, agreeable to His Excellency's orders, divided my detachment, giving Lieutenant Davies the command of half and taking Quartermaster Laycock and the other half, with one trooper, myself, having the Governor's instructions to march in pursuit of the rebels, who, in number about 400, were on the summit of the hill.

Hatefully, scornfully, he tossed him a suit of his own clothes, and gave him L20 of his savings. Then he opened the door and looked carefully all around. It was near midnight, and all was so still that a bird moving in the branches could have been heard. But Laycock was singularly uneasy. He put on his hat and walked one hundred yards or more each way.

Perch, brightness of male, during breeding season. Peregrine falcon, new mate found by. Period of variability, relation of, to sexual selection. Periodicity, vital, Dr. Laycock on. Periods, lunar, followed by functions in man and animals. Periods of life, inheritance at corresponding. Perisoreus canadensis, young of. Peritrichia, difference of colour in the sexes of a species of. Periwinkle.

"I wonder if you childer can tell me what is t' bird that ligs abed langest?" There was silence for a moment or two, and then Kester Laycock suggested rooks. "Nay," answered Grannie, "rooks are not what I sud call early risers, but they're not t' last birds up, not by a lang way. T' last bird to wakken up an' t' first bird to gan to bed is t' house-sparrow.

"Well, I tell you I've taken a box and asked Laycock " The reiterated mention of this hallowed name was a little too much for Lady Holme's equanimity. "If Mr. Laycock's going the box won't be empty. So that's all right," she rejoined. "Mr. Laycock will make enough noise to give the critics a lead. And I suppose that's all Miss Schley wants."

The turn in Ben's trouble began just when the preacher spoke to Martha. At that hour Bill Laycock entered the village ale-house and called for a pot of porter. Three men, whom he knew well, were sitting at a table, drinking and talking. To one of them Bill said, "It's a fine night," and after a sulky pause the man answered, "It ails nowt."

He died a few days subsequently, and was buried at Old Sarum, whence his tomb was afterward removed to the cathedral at Salisbury, where his effigy lies in the nave, in chain armor, with his legs crossed as a crusader. The Countess Ella founded a monastery at Laycock, where she took the veil.

It is possible that they are making for Bristol by cross-roads. There is a bridge over the Avon near Laycock Abbey, somewhere on our right, and a road that way through Pewsey Forest. 'That will be it, cried Mr. Dunborough, slapping his thigh. 'That is their game, depend upon it. Sir George did not answer him, but nodded to the servant. 'Go on with the light, he said.