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"Tell you the truth, Ase, I was up to the store, and Cap'n Josiah Dimick and some more of 'em drifted in and we got talkin' about the chances of the harbor appropriation, and one thing or 'nother, and 'twas later'n I thought 'twas 'fore I knew it." The appropriation from the government, which was to deepen and widen our harbor here at Bayport, was a very vital topic among us just then.

The lawyer burst into a genuine and hearty laugh, then exclaimed, "Moses I am afraid that you are rather uncharitable towards the fair sex." "Wal, now sir, because you've happened to fall heir to a terrible nice gal, you needn't think they're all angels, for they ain't by a long chalk." Mr. Spriggins now made a stride towards the door. "Bless me if it ain't later'n I thought.

She went on: "If Mr. Ellison wants it, why I suppose it's all right. But you can't stay out later'n ten o'clock." "I shan't go out at all of nights," said Susan eagerly. "You look quiet," said Mrs. Wylie, with the air of adding that appearances were rarely other than deceptive. "Oh, I am quiet," declared Susan. It puzzled her, this recurrence of the suggestion of noisiness.

"Yes, indeed; right off." "Well, send word to him as soon as you kin, that I've got the mules ready for stampedin' an' runnin' off at any time, an' waitin' for him. The sooner he kin jump the corral the better. To-night, if he kin, but suttinly not later'n to-morrer night. Be sure and git word to him by early to-morrer mornin' at the furthest."

"You are worried about something, Daddy Crow," she said gently. "Now, speak up, sir. What is it?" "It's time you were in bed," scolded Anderson, pulling his whiskers nervously. "Oh, I'm young, daddy. I don't need sleep. But you never have been up as late as this since I've known you." "I was up later'n this the time you had the whoopin'-cough, all right." "What's troubling you, daddy?"

And no later'n last night, Judge Beresford was riding home from the village, where he had been at the tavern, playing cards with a lot of gentlemen, and had won a deal of money, which he had about him, when, in the middle of the long woods below his own house, he was stopped by two men; one who seized his bridle, and one who pinted a pistol at his head, and gave him his choice of his money or his life.

The night shadows were falling now and the street lamps were already lighted, and seeing this, Theodore started up, adding, "It's later'n I thought. I must be off," and he hurried away, leaving Carrots looking after him in a much bewildered state of mind. Theodore found Nan sitting by the window in the dark.

I jus' trimbled like a popple leaf all the evenin'. Master and missus was over in the city to a lecture on Fernology, and didn't get back till twelve o'clock. I kep' the chillen awake later'n common, so they'd sleep sounder. Then I tied my clothes up in a tight bundle, an' had my shoes an' hat whar I'd lay han's on 'em, an' put out the light.

Daisy can't drag her anchor," returned Minty, her fingers busy with the knot at the cow's neck, "though she'd like to lots o' times. There now, Bossy, don't act so drove. I know it's later'n common, but I had a good reason, and 'tain't thinkin' right to be impatient."

"Only twenty-three minutes, that's all," he drawled, with the resignation of a martyr. "Twenty-three minutes ain't much in a lifetime, maybe but it don't help fried potatoes none. Them potatoes was ready at half-past five." "Well, 'tain't six yet," protested Captain Shad. "Maybe 'tain't, but it's twenty-three minutes later'n half-past five.