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He wants to have you within hail." "It's dangerous taking so many at once," suggested Vickers. "Not a bit. Batten 'em down and keep the sentries awake, and they won't do any harm." "But Mrs. Vickers and the child?" "I've thought of that. You take the Ladybird with the prisoners, and leave me to bring up Mrs. Vickers in the Osprey." "We might do that. Indeed, it's the best way, I think.

Pissimissi, who was but nine years old, and who had been been kept in great confinement, was impatient to see the world; and no sooner was the breath out of her father's body, than she got into the car, and whipping her elephant and ladybird, drove out of the yard as fast as possible, without knowing whither she was going.

He had behaved himself a little better recently, and during the work attendant upon the departure of the Ladybird, had been conspicuously useful. His intelligence and influence among his fellow-prisoners combined to make him a somewhat important personage, and Vickers had allowed him privileges from which he had been hitherto debarred. Mr.

I never thought she'd live to be called by it though. Little winjin' thing! I had to feed her on the bottle an' everythink disagreed with her. We had to keep a old cow especial. I remember her as clear as yesterday a big old cow with a dew-lap an' a crumpled horn; we called her Ladybird because she was spots all over. As for them getting Dawn!

"It is a ladybird." "Yes, of course, we know that, papa; but Nancy and I say it is a bug, and Louise says it's a beetle," explained Polly. "Louise is right," was his reply. "It is classed as a beetle. It is one of the best friends the farmer has, and the fruit grower too." "How is it useful to him?" asked Nancy. "Why, it eats the lice that spoil certain plants and leaves and grain.

He got to it with difficulty, like a ladybird on a blade of grass, and he would sit and sit upon it, as though pluming his wings and getting ready for a flight, and suddenly he would fall off and begin crawling again.... Don't be surprised at these comparisons; at that time they were always crowding on my imagination. So I struggled on there for two years.

Nina's inseparable Ladybird would find little to interest her in Crownlands now, Harriet suspected, and they would not long be troubled by her company. She smiled as she heard Nina and Ida in the next room. "Put on your yellow gown, sweetheart," Ida said. "We're going to the Bellamys' after lunch." "Oh, I don't feel like going anywhere!" Nina said, pathetically.

The Ladybird, Government schooner, visited the settlement on ordinary occasions twice a year, and such visits were looked forward to with no little eagerness by the settlers. To the convicts the arrival of the Ladybird meant arrival of new faces, intelligence of old comrades, news of how the world, from which they were exiled, was progressing.

Then timidly he glanced at the blue shadow of the ravine, and extended to me his leaf, over the veins of which there was crawling a ladybird. "A bukan," he observed. "It is so. And whither are you going to take it?" "We shall all of us die. I was going to take and bury it." "But it is alive; and one does not bury things before they are dead." Nilushka closed and opened his eyes once or twice.

His wee legs were scarcely visible; he looked as though he were moving on low rollers. Maya turned her gaze away, back to the golden field of grain over which the butterflies were playing. The field and the butterflies gave her ever so much more pleasure than the poetry of Alois, ladybird and poet. How happily the day had begun and how miserably it was to end!