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Then, comparing the Countess with the new beauty, made so attractive by a touch of mystery, the Baron fell a prey to the detestable self-interest common to adventurous lady-killers; he hesitated between a fortune within his grasp and the indulgence of his caprice.

"Why, if they wished the red ladies exterminated, they couldn't do better than send a number of king's officers among 'em famous lady-killers, I've heard." "Madam, I know naught of that; nor of the art of lady-killing itself, which I never desired to possess until this evening."

The crowd, increasing as they proceeded, was in holiday mood; young men with a newly-washed aspect, in Faber Street suits, chaffed boisterously groups of girls, who retorted with shrill cries and shrieks of laughter; amorous couples strolled, arm in arm, oblivious, as though the place were as empty as Eden; lady-killers with exaggerated square shoulders, wearing bright neckties, their predatory instincts alert, hovered about in eager search of adventure.

To say this with a deep courtesy, and then to withdraw to a considerable distance, is the work of a moment. Ask your lady-killers if it is easy to continue to babble to such, an unsympathetic ear. It is not that she is not fond of praise if it is really sincere, and if she thinks you believe what you say. You must show that you appreciate her merit if you would have her believe you.

Talking of lady-killers, I beheld amid the throng at Mademoiselle Cicogna's the ci-devant Lovelace whom I remember some twenty-three years ago as the darling of wives and the terror of husbands-Victor de Mauleon." "Victor de Mauleon at Mademoiselle Cicogna's! what, is that man restored to society?"

"Cela va sans dire he told me that though she was not the handsomest woman in Paris, all other women looked less handsome since he had seen her. But, of course, French lady-killers like Enguerrand, when it comes to marriage, leave it to their parents to choose their wives and arrange the terms of the contract.

There were two classes of these foreign lady-killers. Those of the Castilian type had closely cropped, coal-black hair, smooth faces, with the exception of a moustache, and flashing eyes that betrayed an intriguing disposition. Both sets were exquisitely polite, courteous in their deportment, and very deferential to those with whom they conversed.

Then he draws back and proudly surveys us, and, bearing in mind the contrast we present to our customary everyday appearance, he says "We shall do, boys! Proceed to victory, my Pahi lady-killers!" We have a good distance to go, for the Member's place is fully twenty miles off; but we have plenty of rowers, and have wind as well as tide in our favour.

"Not at all; your regiment will become quite the fancy, you'll go by the name of the lady-killers, ha! ha! ha! I wish you joy, sergeant, ha! ha! ha!" Nancy Corbett knew well the power of ridicule: she left the sergeant, and was accosted by one of the lieutenants; she rallied him in the same way. "But are you really in earnest, Nancy?" said Lieutenant Dillon, at last.

Still standing, and with a grave, courteous face, "May I, as a stranger," he said, "trouble you with a question, sir?" The two lady-killers at the window heard the words and nudged one another, with a stifled chuckle at their comrade's predicament. Captain Marsh, with one eye on them, assented stiffly.