United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

After the Declaration of Independence this Upper House or Council became the Senate, and for many years was referred to under any one of the three names. The power of the General Court this jumble of legislative, executive, and judicial worked well so long as the community consisted of a few hundred or a few thousand souls with little diversity of sentiment or industrial interest.

The market, the general news items, the editorials, had all blended one into the other to form a meaningless jumble of words; even the leading article on the front page, that proclaimed as imminent the final and complete expose of what had come to be known as "The Private Club Ring" an investigation that, from its inception, he had hitherto followed closely, promising as it did to involve and link in partnership with the lowest of the underworld names that heretofore had stood high up in the social circles of New York seemed uninteresting and unable to hold his attention to-night.

Then he began to hum a hoary roundelay about the splendid audacity of old Mister Haystack and his questionable adventures, set to an unprintable refrain of "Winktum bolly mitch-a-kimo," or some such jumble of words. I have never heard this song in the mouth of any other man.

Reflecting on my experiences with the Mandanes and the Sioux, I was disposed to upbraid fate as a senseless thing with no thread of purpose through life's hopeless jumble. Now, something in the calm of the plains, or the certainty of our unerring star-guides, quieted my unrest. Besides, was I not returning to one who was peerless? That hope speedily eclipsed all interests.

"When the king sets out of a morning, you see multitudes of people running up and down as if they were distracted horses rushing against horses, carriages overturning carriages, players, gamesters, cooks, confectioners, morrice-dancers, barbers, courtezans, and parasites making so much noise, and, in a word, such an intolerable tumultuous jumble of horse and foot, that you can imagine the great abyss hath opened and poured forth all its inhabitants."

"That sounds good to me, Max," remarked Owen, nodding his head attentively. Toby was here heard to make a jumble of sounds, being still too excited to get his vocal cords in decent working order. He kept pointing at a nail that had been driven into the tent pole. Now, strange to say, Steve was really the quickest to understand what the stammering boy meant, when he became twisted up in this way.

What followed happened with such stunning swiftness that her memory of it ever afterwards was a confused jumble of impressions, like the wild course of a nightmare. She heard Warden swing round again in his tracks, but before she could turn he had caught her and flung her backwards over his arm.

That last wish was granted within an hour; for Ted came rushing in, with a newspaper in one hand, a collapsed umbrella in the other, and a face full of excitement, announcing, all in one breathless jumble: 'Mine caved in twenty men shut up no way out wives crying water rising Dan knew the old shaft risked his life got 'em out most killed papers full of it I knew he'd be a hero hurray for old Dan!

Instead of that closely articulated body of thought, which we were led to expect therein, we have found little more than a jumble of incoherences, a semi-chaotic mass of plausible blunders.

I do not know, but I rather suspect his duty is so to jumble up the walls and banks of that trench as to prevent German supports from reaching their front line without clambering into the open fields where our shrapnel is falling like hail. But under those two streams of overhead traffic is a third quite easily distinguishable. It comes with short, descending screams sheafs of them together.