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"Yes," Martie's arm went about her sister, "that's been the one definite gain, Sally, to see you so happy and prosperous, and to realize that life is going so pleasantly for you. As the years go by, Joe'll gain steadily; he's that sort; and Dr. Hawkes's children won't have to envy any children in Monroe. But, oh, Sis if I could get away!"

"I knows how I'll fix un," he said at length. "I'll cut pieces from the bottom o' my shirt to bind un up with. They'll keep un from gettin' rubbed whatever, and when I gets back to camp Doctor Joe'll fix un up right." This he proceeded to do at once with the aid of his jack-knife, and presently had two serviceable bandages ready to apply.

"Say, he'll sure be sore when he comes to himself, though," observed Cal. "I don't know how he's going to square himself with his school-ma'am. Joe Meeker was into Rusty's place while the big setting comes off; I would uh given him a gentle hint about keeping his face closed, only Weary wouldn't let me off my horse. Joe'll sure give a high-colored picture uh the performance."

That evening, after the supper things were all cleared away, Joel began by drawing Davie off in a corner to whisper mysteriously. "Let him alone, Polly," said Ben, in a low voice. "Joe'll tell of his own accord, pretty soon." And sure enough, it wasn't ten minutes.

Rita's mood changed. "But, if you and Joe quarrel again, I'm going to run away. So there. "I'm not beholden to any one now, thanks to dear old Jake Meaghan. I can get money, all I want. Then maybe Joe'll be sorry. "You won't fight any more, George? Say you won't!" She put her arm round my shoulder and her cheek against mine, in her old coaxing way. Dear little woman!

"I think Uncle Joe'll put one in though when he gets back from his wedding. You see, he's getting married to-day." "I know he is," said the agent grinning. "That's why we brought the tractor out to-day. We wanted to have a good chance when your uncle wasn't home. When he gets back with his bride, we're going to show him what power can do to a farm." "Well, I'll take the car," said Mr.

I don't believe he's done nothing wrong, but if he has done ever so little or ever so much, he'll 'own up to it whatever it is, that's what Joe'll do. I told him to lay by them words and hold to 'em, and I'll lay my life he'll do as I told him.

Standing up free again, Mr. Phoebus further remarked, "Whatcoat, thar's two of us yer. By smoke! thar's three." The docile colored man opened his eyes. "Him!" exclaimed the sailor, indicating the feather-bed in the hold, with its stiff, invisible contents; "Joe'll chuck him overboard down yer about deep water somewhere.

"I wore it the night of your nomination, and I put it on to-night to bring you luck at the polls. Was it silly of me?" "Not if somebody else doesn't see." "Joe'll not see. I shall have gone to my room before he comes. I'll not keep you long. It's enough that you've proved you cared to come. It's a crumb of comfort in my wretchedness."

Leander Leighton's goin' to bring four of his rabbits an' make believe they're wolves; an' Joe Robinson's goin' to catch all the squirrels he can we'll have the largest for foxes, an' the smallest for hyenas; an' Joe'll keep howlin' while he's tendin' the door, so's to make 'em sound right."