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There Stephen saw the magazines which the Confederates had dug out, and of which he had heard. But he saw something, too, of which he had not heard, Colonel Catesby Jennison stopped before an open doorway in the yellow bank and knocked. A woman's voice called softly to him to enter. They went into a room hewn out of the solid clay.

"Hold on, seh," said Colonel Catesby Jennison; "we may as well drink to that." Fortunately, as Stephen drew near the Court House, he caught sight of a group of officers seated on its steps, and among them he was quick to recognize General Sherman. "Brice," said the General, returning his salute, "been celebrating this glorious Fourth with some of our Rebel friends?"

It may be that I can have you sent North to-day." "You can do as you please," said Clarence, coldly, "with a prisoner." The blood rushed to Stephen's face. Bowing to the lady, he strode out of the room. Colonel Jennison, running after him, caught him in the street. "You're not offended, Brice?" he said.

Jennison, then put the watch in his pocket. "The fight is awarded to Mr. Prescott, and it isn't nine thirty yet," announced Mr. Edwards. Dick's jubilant seconds sponged him, rubbed him down, kneaded his muscles and joyously assisted him in dressing.

"Hold on, seh," said Colonel Catesby Jennison; "we may as well drink to that." Fortunately, as Stephen drew near the Court House, he caught sight of a group of officers seated on its steps, and among them he was quick to recognize General Sherman. "Brice," said the General, returning his salute, "been celebrating this glorious Fourth with some of our Rebel friends?"

It was true that, so far as being known by the world went, the old man was as good, or as bad, as dead. He no longer played other than quite unimportant parts. It was said by some one that he was the poorest actor and the noblest man in the country; a statement commended by Jennison, an Englishman who usually played villains, to this, that his were the worst art and best heart in the profession.

He made a sudden leap forward, throwing his offense low. Dick's left shot out to counter. Then Spurlock drove in, but Prescott got away by nimble dodging. Each man had now turned; the seconds jumped nimbly around, the referee following, while Jennison, his gaze mostly on the watch, jumped nimbly into a corner that he judged would not be used by the fighters.

Both of them were engaged for the evening, and suddenly he was bored by having to take so much trouble to be riotous. He was silent at dinner, unusually kindly to Ted and Verona, hesitating but not disapproving when Verona stated her opinion of Kenneth Escott's opinion of Dr. John Jennison Drew's opinion of the opinions of the evolutionists.

The council did it handsomely, dipping into its treasury and paying the mileage on a Pullman car." "And MacFarlane reversed his own order?" "Without a question. It was the merest formality. Jennison, Hawk's former law partner, stood for the other side; but he made no argument." "Good!" said Loring. "That will do for the day's work. But now I'd like to know how last night's job was managed."

At Chicago appeals were made to the Soldiers' Aid Society and Christian Commission for aid in the freedmen's department, and also to myself personally, on account of the great distress in Kansas after General Price's raid through Missouri, followed by Colonels Lane and Jennison, who drove thousands of poor whites and freedmen into that young State. I decided to hasten thither, with Mrs.