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"That's the spirit!" says Mr. Robert. "As the French said at Verdun, 'Ils ne passeront pas. Eh?" "Meaning 'No Gangway', I expect!" says I. "That's the idea," says he. "But say, Mr. Robert, what's he look like, this king of the dotted line!" says I. Mr. Robert shakes his head. "I was sitting back to him," says he. "Besides, to give you his description would be taking rather an unfair advantage.

It is hard that they should have pitched upon so tender-hearted a verb for the battle-field of so grim a struggle: J'aime, I love. Tu aimes, Thou lovest. Il aime, He loves. Nous aimons, We love. Vous aimez, You love. Ils aiment, They love.

But for that day, at all events, the English had had enough of fighting: 'ils n'en avaient une vouloir' for more, as the old chronicler quaintly expresses himself. Riding back across the bridge which the citizens had in the meanwhile partially restored, Joan re-entered the city which her splendid courage had rescued from the English.

Ils sont doux comme des moutons. But this is a question of delicacy somewhat exaggerated." "It's good of you, mademoiselle, to forgive me," said Doggie. By all the rules of polite intercourse, either Doggie should have made his bow and exit, or the maiden, exercising her prerogative, should have given him the opportunity of a graceful withdrawal.

I do not know whether this gentleman intended his anecdote to be taken cum grano salis, but I certainly understood him to say that he had deplored to the minister the want of vigour and the absence of success accompanying the operations of the Italian allies of Prussia, when His Excellency replied: 'C'est bien vrai. Ils nous ont tromps; mais que voulez-vous y faire maintenant?

"I've only just come. Ils ont été charmants. Just fancy, they gave me drink, fed me! Such bread, it was exquisite! Delicieux! And the vodka, I never tasted any better. And they would not take a penny for anything. And they kept saying: 'Excuse our homely ways." "What should they take anything for? They were entertaining you, to be sure.

'A set of chemists and quill-drivers, he said contemptuously; 'but as Renan remarked to me, there is one thing to be said for a government of that sort, "Ils ne font pas la guerre." And so long as they don't run France into adventures, and a man can keep a roof over his head and a sou in his pocket, the men of letters at any rate can rub along.

In reference to the family's devotion, Adrien wrote to her, "My son is fascinated by you, and you know that I am so also. It is the fate of the Montmorencys, "'Ils ne mouraient pas tous, mais tout étaient frappés." Adrien was a man of wit, and he had more ability than Matthieu.

Jean" leaning forward with jaw protruding and a oneness of bristly eyebrows, "Ces grande messieurs qui ne foutent 'pas mal si l'on CREVE de faim, savez-vous ils croient chacun qu'il est Le Bon Dieu LUI-Meme. Et M'sieu' Jean, savez-vous, ils sont tous" leaning right in my face, the withered hand making a pitiful fist of itself "ils. Sont. Des.

Je voudrais leur consacrer dix annees d'etudes, ne fut ce que pour mon plaisir propre; mais Dieu nous donne et nous prepare une bien autre besogne, et il faut dire avec l'auteur de l'Imitation, 'relinque curiosa. Les Jesuites continueront a faire du bien, et a le faire mal quelquefois; ils auront des amis frenetiques et des ennemis furieux, en attendant le jour du jugement dernier, qui sera pour bien des raisons un tres-interessant et tres-curieux jour."