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'Thank you, Cousin Monica very much; but really and truly she does not ill-use me. 'Nor threaten you, child? 'Well, no no, she does not threaten. 'And how the plague does she frighten you, child? 'Well, I really I'm half ashamed to tell you you'll laugh at me and I don't know that she wishes to frighten me. But there is something, is not there, ghosty, you know, about her?

Philip smiled as if the day would never come when he should neglect or ill-use his darling; Sylvia smiled a little, without much attending to, or caring for, the words that were detaining her, tired as she was; John and Jeremiah chuckled over the joke; but the words came up again in after days, as words idly spoken sometimes do.

"Because people are ungrateful and jealous and hard, and would ill-use me, the same as they did him and drove him away from Rome." The visitor tightened his lips and was silent, sitting gazing past the boy and through the window, so full of thought that he broke off another grape, raised it to his lips, and then threw it through the opening into a tuft of flowers beyond.

'You mean that I exact too much work from you? asked her father, with a look which might have been directed to a recalcitrant clerk. 'No. But that you make the conditions of my work too hard. I live in constant fear of your anger. 'Indeed? When did I last ill-use you, or threaten you?

He could not understand why Egypt should be restive under the same afflictions that he had borne with fortitude. Summoning all evidence from his point of view, he was able to present to himself a case of personal persecution and ill-use. The Hebrews belonged to him, and because he held them their God afflicted Egypt.

It was one of the arguments advanced by Christian men in favor of slavery, that no man would ill-use his slave, because it was his own property; as though the lust of cruelty in a brutal nature were, while it lasted, not ten times as strong as the lust of gain.

No one but a woman in a ragged shawl who would have no influence with the driver. There was a very good humane society in Fairport, and none of the teamsters dared ill-use their horses if any of the members were near. This was a quiet out-of-the-way street, with only poor houses on it, and the man probably knew that none of the members of the society would be likely to be living in them.

For them, who now ill-use you, you have gone through life but half a man. Women smile behind their hands when you hobble by." "I do not hold with women," said old Adelbert, flushing. "They take all and give nothing." The onions were done, and the concierge put them, frying-pan and all, on the table. "Come, eat while the food is hot. And give nothing," he repeated, returning to the attack.

'As to your engagement I should care nothing. Does he love you as I love you? If he loves you, why is he not here? If he loves you, why does he let his mother ill-use you, and treat you with scorn? If he loves you as I love you, how could he write to you as he does write? Would I write to you such a letter as that? Would I let you be here without coming to you to be looked after by any one else?

He dared not mount into the trees, for that would be stealing; but he leaped, and skipped, and slid when a russet-coated chestnut caught his eye. Gigi was with him, trusted to his care by Pipa, with many abjurations and terrible threats of future punishment should he ill-use him. Ah! if Pipa knew! if Pipa had only seen little Gigi lonely in the woods, and heard his roars for help!