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"Always fresh milk!" shouted the vendor, as with his fingers, he made a snapping sound to call his herd of goats. "Really, a walking dairy," I remarked. We were all tired when we reached home. The Angelus bell was sounding from the high white tower of the Iglesia. Every one stood still, bowed, made the holy sign, and then said a quiet prayer.

This perilous achievement seems to have satisfied the good bishop's belligerent propensities. * Pulgar. "Don Luis Osorio fue obispo de Jaen desde el ano de 1483, y presidio in esta. Iglesia hasta el de 1496 in que murio en Flandes, a donde fue acompanando a la princesa Dona Juana, esposa del archiduque Don Felipe." "Espana Sagrada," por Fr. M. Risco, tom. 41, trat. 77, cap. 4.

When I arose next day and walked to the usual morning seat under the bamboos, I found only Moro there. "Where is everybody else?" I asked. I knew iglesia was the Philippine word for church; so I said to Moro: "Let us go there too, and see what they are all doing."

In the centre is a large cross, and on either side of the iron railings there is a marble tablet with the simple but touching inscription, in Spanish 'Incendio de la Iglesia de la Compañía, 8 de Diciembre, 1863. Restos de las Víctimas; 2000, mas o ménos. Almost every household in Santiago had lost one of its members.

DOÑA MATILDE. No tal, antes al contrario se opone a ello. BRUNO. ¿Y dice usted que se casa? DOÑA MATILDE. Dentro de media hora ... ahí está el misterio. BRUNO. No puede ser eso entonces, niña. DOÑA MATILDE. Te digo que ... D. Eduardo lo ha arreglado ya todo, y me vendrá a buscar dentro de media hora para llevarme a la iglesia. BRUNO. No será el hijo de mi madre el que le abrirá la puerta.

On October 22nd MM. Iglesia and Jouvencel fell at Meaux, occupied by the Prussians; their despatches, however, were saved in a dung cart. The twenty-third voyage ended more unhappily. On this occasion a sailor acted as aeronaut, accompanied by an engineer, Etienne Antonin, and carrying nearly 1,000 pounds of letters.

At Chichen a tableau of said worship forms the ornament of the building, designated in the work of Stephens, “Travels in Yucatan,” as IGLESIA; being, in fact, the north wing of the palace and museum. This is the reason why the mastodon’s head forms so prominent a feature in all the ornaments of the edifices built by them.

The procession was led by the bands to the Iglesia, where, from the high campanile tower, the church bells were ringing. In the church the good Padre said a few words, and gave us all his prayers and blessing. While we were inside, evening had fallen. When we stepped out into the square, we saw a fairy starry land.

She was an orphan of his acquaintance to whom he wished to do a kindness. Tikkia promptly drew up her skirt over the unexposed knee and showed a filthy sore which she said was caused by Pedro's playful habit of dragging her about on stony ground by the hair. Moreover she stood upon her legal rights. She was not matrimonio en iglesia, and she had a right to leave Pedro when she chose.

In a land of jealous men you will find the women peculiarly intelligent and cunning, and the matutinal hour is to them the "golden opportunity." He is a very jealous guardian, indeed, whose vigil tempts him from his couch at so chill an hour! Await the end of the performance by the door of the "iglesia." There stands a large vase filled with the consecrated water.