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"Gee!" gasped Chet, "if I'm nicked fifty dollars, how shall I ever be able to buy Christmas presents, or even give anything for the Red Cross drive?" "Oh, I'm sorry, Chet!" Jess Morse murmured. "Looks as if hard times had camped on your trail, old boy," declared Lance. "But maybe it is a hundred-dollar bill," Laura said. "It's tough," Short and Long muttered.

He went to it and turned it over. It was the body of the man he sought Maxwell and there was a revolver in Maxwell's right hand and a hole in Maxwell's right temple, and Maxwell was dead. Judson Green stood up and waited for the other pursuers. He had won a hundred-dollar bet and Cassidy had lost a thousand-dollar reward.

As I see my esteemed friend Joe Whitton, of Niblo's Garden, sitting right before me, I will give him an anecdote which he will appreciate. There is considerable barter in Salt Lake City horses and cows are good for hundred-dollar greenbacks, while pigs, dogs, cats, babies, and pickaxes are the fractional currency.

The bank was close to the shopping centre, and the paying-teller of the Grindstone was never happier than on those occasions when Eudoxia Pence would roll in voluminous and majestic and ask him to break a hundred-dollar bill. This had last happened during the press of the Christmas shopping.

He would have to pay out two thousand dollars in cash to the contractors for the rebuilding of the mill at once, they were more than usually cautious but he would have six thousand left, which he would put in the bank after he had let people see that he was well fortified with cash. The child in him liked the idea of pulling out of his pocket a few thousand dollars in hundred-dollar bills.

Pity the poor groveling hack at the bottom who has not the brain-power either to understand or to control that which his very presence and necessities create. These tremendous holdings, paying from ten to twelve per cent. on every hundred-dollar share, were in the control, if not in the actual ownership, of Cowperwood.

The bell clanged and the car pulled out, leaving Martin wondering as to the nature of the crinkly, greasy wad he clutched in his hand. Back in his room he unrolled it and found a hundred-dollar bill. He did not scruple to use it. He knew his friend had always plenty of money, and he knew also, with profound certitude, that his success would enable him to repay it.

"But oh, girls," she added, "I didn't know how much I dreaded facing Miss Beggs till I found out I didn't have to. I don't mind writing to her nearly so much." With somewhat lighter steps and lighter hearts they turned toward home. But Billie could not get the hundred-dollar statue which she had broken out of her mind.

But it was overshadowed now by the three men themselves, and the fat roll of hundred-dollar bills. The door slammed. "That's Jack Thompson," the barkeeper said. "Made two millions on Bonanza and Sulphur, and got more coming. I'm going to bed. Have another drink first." Morganson hesitated. "A Christmas drink," the other urged. "It's all right. I'll get it back when you sell your wood."

A hundred-dollar bill left as a tip for the staff of the establishment had certainly not belied the Count's reputation for generosity. He was there could be no doubt about it a foreigner of the highest distinction, if distinction be measured by generosity.