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Notice that?" "I did observe something of that nature," confessed Mitchell. "I laid it to sheer bad luck." The older man snorted. "Bad luck! You've been hoodooed! After that, you went off by your lonesome and tried cattle. Your windmills broke down; your cattle was stole plumb opprobrious Mexicans blamed, of course.

Has that beetle hoodooed me?" she seems to say, and in her dismay she lets the bug drop, and looks bewilderedly about her. Then she flies away through the woods, calling. "Going for her mate," I said to Ted. "She is in deep trouble, and she wants sympathy and help." In a few minutes we heard her mate answer, and presently the two birds came hurrying to the spot, both with loaded beaks.

He even spoke to the hands cheerfully, and they were a trio of as surly dogs as ever quarreled with their food and a ship's officers. "I'll lay up at the cove until I get a decent crew this time, if I lose all my existing contracts," Tunis said to Zebedee. "I'll find a bunch of men who are not afraid of their shadows. Huh! Hoodooed, is she?

Griggs got upon his feet, yawning and stretching before he dropped back into his corner of the wooden settle. "You lissen at me: if that's the fact, I'm tellin' you-all that every wheel on this blame', hoodooed railroad is goin' to stop turnin' at twelve o'clock on the night before that notice takes hold."

Pete Murphy burst out. "It's just struck me. The Wilmington 'Blue, is lost forever it must have gone down with everything else." Nobody spoke. It was an interesting indication of how their sense of values had already shifted that the loss to the world of one of its biggest diamonds seemed the least of their minor disasters. "Perhaps that's what hoodooed us," Pete went on.

Them Portygees well, there's no figuring on what they will do." "I can see you are bent on making them do something that will raise trouble," Newbegin said, shaking his head once more. "What do you expect? You know the Seamew is hoodooed. Huh! Seamew! That ain't no more her rightful name than it is mine." "I wouldn't say that." "I would!" snapped 'Rion. "She's the Marlin B., out o' Salem.

Shirley's Shop was a success and still is, for mother is keeping it going, and she said in her last letter that she was not doing badly at all." "Shirley's Shop was a success and the Merriweather Mining Company will be, too," Bet declared. "It must be a success." "It will be!" determined Enid. Only Joy did not share their optimism. "I think the storm was a bad omen, don't you, Kit? It's hoodooed!"

It seemed a good time, therefore, to ask Uncle Jonah about the hoodoo. "What is the hoodoo, Uncle Jonah?" Hortense asked. "How come yo' 'quire 'bout dat?" Uncle Jonah asked. "Ah dunno nuffin' 'bout no hoodoo." "You said Tom and Jerry were hoodooed," said Andy and Hortense together. "Jes' foolish talk," said Uncle Jonah. "Tell us a story about a hoodoo, Uncle Jonah," Hortense begged.

As soon as you touch this country, in the domain of history and chronology, you are certain, as they say, to get 'hoodooed. Kali-Yuga began there in 3102 B.C., and ever since that unfortunate event, not a single soul in the country seems to have had an idea of keeping track of the calendar. So-and-so, you read, reigned. When?

"There was a hoodooed schooner sailed out o' Salem some years back, the Marlin B. She had the same tug to sta'bo'd that I feel when I'm steerin' of this here schooner." The girl was recovering from her momentary excitement. She saw that Newbegin had no ulterior meaning in his speech.