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None of the triumph that flooded Farnum reached the surface. "I think I don't quite understand," he said quietly. "I'm eatin' humble pie because youse slipped wan over on me. You're the best campaign speaker in the state, bar none, boy as you are." James could not keep his gratified smile down. "This heart-felt testimonial comes free, I take it," he pretended to mock.

She knelt down at her bed-side and gave heart-felt thanks to God for sending her all this happiness; she resolved that when these holidays were over she would go back to her work again without complaint; no matter how long the hours might be, and she would never forget these happy days that the good God had sent her now. It was long before she could close her eyes for very bliss.

I had a heart-felt exultation in walking through the quarter of the city where the tumults of Massaniello had raged, and, if only for a few days, struck mortal terror to the brutal pride of the viceroy; but I think I had a better sense of the immense retribution which has overtaken all memory of Spanish rule in Naples as we passed through the palace of Capo di Monte.

Your affectionate queen and faithful mother, who is very ill, joins her heart-felt and tearful entreaties to mine." The king also pledged his royal word that the troops would be withdrawn as soon as the Berlin people were ready for peace and removed the barricades. So peace seemed restored, for there had been no fighting for hours, and we heard that the troops were already withdrawing.

They offered me their heart-felt thanks for the handsome present I had given to the young lady. I told the mother that I loved her daughter, and that my fondest hope was to obtain her for my wife.

She stood leaning against the open door leading to the balcony, and gazed at the flaming horizon. Her soul was with those pious martyrs, for whom she was sending up her heart-felt prayers to God, and whom she, in her feverish exaltation, envied their death of torture. Entirely borne away from the present, she had heard neither the petitions of those who protected her, nor the king's reply.

She loved Donald modestly but passionately; but she constantly said to herself in terror, "Oh, Minnie, Minnie, you must take care; guard your secret; never betray yourself." "Oh, happy love, where love like this is found! Oh, heart-felt raptures, bliss beyond compare!

At the end of that time I was fit for duty. But I must not leave this good old mother without saying a few more words. She was, in deed and in truth, a good Samaritan to us all; and there are hundreds who can testify to the same truth; hundreds who will remember her with heart-felt gratitude as long as they live.

The widow who had been left in absolute poverty had but to state her case, when with a countenance beaming with compassion and with eyes moist at her piteous story, Meng would make such arrangements for her and her children that the terror of starvation was lifted from her heart, and she left his presence with a smiling face and with heart-felt words of praise for the man who by his generosity had given her a new glimpse of life.

"Now 'Uarda will love you with all her heart?" and she said it after him in broken accents that sounded so sweet and so heart-felt, that the old man clasped her to his breast. Tears of emotion stood in Nefert's eyes, and when Uarda flung herself into her arms she said: "The forlorn swan has found its kindred, the floating leaf has reached the shore, and must be happy now!"