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"An' hasta niver bin i' church, Colonel," the smith continued, unperturbed, "when t' parson has put spurrins up? Why, 'twere nobbut a week last Sunday sin he axed if onybody knew just cause or 'pediment why Tom Pounder sudn't wed Anne Coates." "I mind it, sure enough," interjected Stackhouse, "and fowks began to girn, for they knew there was ivery cause an' 'pediment why he sud wed her."

"Yeah, I saw your purse, tu bolsa upstairs arriba la escalera; but run to the convenience store or the grocery store for the asprin whatever is quickest. Rapidamente!" "No, dama. Hoy no tengo trabajar hasta cinco." "For Pete's sake usted es terrible perezosa. You are floja-lazy floja, floja-lazy." "I'm not none floja, please Miss. I'm your good illegal trabajadora. Don't throw me in the streets."

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Bruno! BRUNO. Jesús, señorita, ¿ya se levantó usted? DOÑA MATILDE. , no he podido cerrar los ojos en toda la noche. BRUNO. Ya se habrá usted estado leyendo hasta las tres o las cuatro, según costumbre.... DOÑA MATILDE. No es eso.... BRUNO. Se le habrá arrebatado el calor a la cabeza.... DOÑA MATILDE. Repito que....

El segundo pueblo dista del precedente como un tiro de piedra, es de fundacion moderna, y se compondrá de mas 15 familias que se retiraron aqui de: Gualpi Gualpi que dista del anterior un tiro de fusil, es mas grande y populoso que los dos anteriores, puede tener hasta 200 familias. Estas tres pueblos tienen poco caballada, y algunas vacas; pero mucho ganado lanar. Mosasnabi

And he pushed her aside gently; but she said, "God grant thy fate and mine to be one, O Aulus!" Then, failing on her knees, she began to pray with that force which fear for some dear one alone can give. Aulus passed out to the atrium, where the centurion was waiting for him. It was old Caius Hasta, his former subordinate and companion in British wars. "I greet thee, general," said he.

More likely they were by now sodden with the aftermath of Sunday festivities, and anyway we were armed "hasta los dientes." At length, as the day was nearing its close, we fell into what had once been a trail.

The following morning, Guy de Lissac found in his mail a brief note, sealed with the arms of the duke, with the motto: Hasta la muerte. José wrote to him as he was leaving Paris: "You are perhaps right. I am a little intoxicated with Parisine. I am going to London to visit a friend and if I ever recount my voyages there, it will only be to the serious-minded members of the Geographical Society.

It was then but ten A.M., and to the annoyance of the adjutant-general, Sanchez shook his black mane and said something that sounded like hasta la noche he wouldn't start till night.

By doing it under the prior Phalgunis, the doer of it becomes endued with good fortune. By doing the Sraddha under the later Phalgunis one attains to many children; while by performing it under Hasta, one attains to the fruition of one's wishes. By performing it under the constellation Chitra one obtains children endued with great beauty.

He again was unable to decide whether her coyness was an expression of embarrassment or an accomplished artfulness, but he inclined to the latter opinion. "Right O! I'll come soon, in a few days. Hasta manana, fair lady." After the door had closed on him she stood sunk in thought, from which she emerged with a deep sigh.