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The men turned and stared with hanging jaws. "Now, what the dickens is this?" he cried, and catching two of their necks he pulled their heads together and then flung them apart. The three seemed sobered by the apparition. "And what the h-ll is your business?" they cried conjointly; and one, a dark-browed fellow, doubled his fists and advanced.

Thy aims are low, thy profits high; Thy mind is only bent, Whatever live, whatever die, To scoop in cent per cent. Go back, go back, etc. To thee the greatest authors are Those who most greatly sell; But he whose soul is as a Star Why, he may go to H-ll! Go back, go back to wild New York, Go back across the sea; Go, corners make in beans and pork, No corners make in me.

"Oh, that was YOU kicked up such a row, was it?" said the young man, with a shade of interest. "I reckon," said the woman, nodding her head, "and them that was with me." "And who are they?" "Sheriff Dunn, of Yolo, and his deputy." "And where are they now?" "The deputy in h-ll, I reckon; I don't know about the sheriff." "I see," said the young man quietly; "and you?"

But I can tell you you've kicked up a h-ll of a row over there." He stopped, evidently at some sign from her guest. The rest of the man's speech followed in a hurried whisper, which was stopped again by the voice she knew. "No. Certainly not." The next moment his tall figure was darkening the door of the kitchen; his hand was outstretched. "Good-by, Mrs.

Then Fred replied: "To h-ll with you and your schoolbook! I tell you I've waded across it." The colonel smoothed things over and it ended in a magnum of champagne being ordered. "For which the colonel paid?" asked Average Jones. "Why, yes, he did," assented the saloon man. "He said, 'Well, it's a go, then. Here's luck to us! He was a good spender, the colonel."

"Swear that you'll keep it a secret," he said feverishly, gripping Bill's arm in turn, "and I'll tell you." "Go on!" "Wot yer say?" ejaculated Bill. "The treasure a packet of greenbacks had been taken from the box before the gang stopped us!" "The h-ll, you say!" "Listen!

Gerald's head sunk lower on his chest, and his affectation of slumber became more profound. "Try a drop of this," said Jackson, offering his canteen, after having drank himself, and with a view to distract attention from his companion. "You seem to have no liquor in the house, and I take it you require something hot as h-ll, and strong as d n n, after that ogre like repast of yours."

Thet while you're groanin' at class-meetin' and Hiram's quo'llin' with Dad, and Joe Masters waitin' round to pick up any bone that's throwed him, that sneakin', hypocritical Yankee school-master is draggin' your daughter to h-ll with him on the sly." "Quit that, Seth Davis," said Mrs. McKinstry sternly, "or be man enough to tell it to a man. That's Hiram's business to know."

"He said," replied the Captain, enunciating his words very clearly, as if he had no objection to their producing their full weight on his superior "That Colonel Egbert Crawford might go to h-ll, and he would go to Boston."

When the door at last closed on the bright, sympathetic eyes of the two young women and the motherly benediction of the elder, Falkner walked to the window, and remained silent, looking into the darkness. Suddenly he turned bitterly to his companion. "This is just h-ll, George." George Lee, with a smile on his boyish face, lazily moved his head. "I don't know!