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In a way quite my own I now tried to get these three hundred singers, who were frequently united for rehearsals, into a state of genuine ecstasy; for instance, I succeeded in demonstrating to the basses that the celebrated passage Seid umschlungen, Millionen, and especially Bruder, uber'm Sternenzelt muss ein guter Vater wohnen, could not be sung in an ordinary manner, but must, as it were, be proclaimed with the greatest rapture.

Sitting up in a little wooden cot was a child of two or three years old, his baby face wild with fright. "Poor bairn!" exclaimed Raeburn, taking him in his strong arms. "Have they forgotten you?" The child was German and did not understand a word, but it knew in a moment that this man, so like a fairy-tale giant, was a rescuer. "Guter Riese!" it sobbed, appealingly.

You once told me you were happy because I called you "mein guter Geist, mein bess'res Ich"; well, you are not in the least that. The name that I give you, and that you may keep, is "the beautiful possibility of a soul". Remember a phrase I told you at the very beginning of our love, of the peril of "ceasing to love perfection and coming to love a woman."

I saw that this was his manner of showing affection. I ventured to utter my first German word, answering his query with a "Guter morgen;" at which the old fellow shook his head and laughed. I could not imagine why. Perhaps I had expressed myself badly, or had astonished him with my rapid progress?

Er hatte grosze Fehler als Regent, groeszere als Mensch, aber die ersteren wurden vor seinen groszen Eigenschaften weit ueberwogen, und das Andenken an die letzteren musz mit dem Toten begraben werden; darum sage ich dir, wenn du, da er nun dort liegt, jetzt noch nachteilig von ihm sprechen hoerst, traue diesem Menschen nicht: er ist kein guter, wenigstens kein edler Mensch." Cf.

Nominative Mein gutER Freund, my good friend. Genitives MeinES GutEN FreundES, of my good friend. Dative MeinEM gutEN Freund, to my good friend. Accusative MeinEN gutEN Freund, my good friend. N. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends. G. MeinER gutEN FreundE, of my good friends. D. MeinEN gutEN FreundEN, to my good friends. A. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends.

Not till an hour later did he return from the scene of his operations, and even then did not know to what he should turn his hand first. Great was his delight, then, to see the task already finished; he merely had to copy it. He gazed at me with a curious peevishness and said: "Guter kerl."

Scotty Briggam licked 2 stewdcats in one day. one day me and Pewt and Beany was standing in frunt of the libary and 2 stewdcats went in and Pewt threw a peace of dry mud and it hit the stewdcat rite in the neck and bust and went down his coller and he see us laffin and he walked rite out to where we was standing and he sed sorter sisy like whitch of you boys throwd that, and Pewt sed jest like him, if you are so smart you had better find out, and he grabed Pewt and throwd him rite in the guter and roled him round in the mud and hit him 3 good bats in the ear. me and Beany run and Pewt he was mad becaus we dident pich in and help him, but lots of times me and Beany has got licked and Pewt never helped us. i told Father about it and he sed he was glad of it and he wished the stewdcats had licked me and Beany two.

Indeed the ways of Providence here are wonderful in their strange dual intention to preserve and to destroy; but on the whole, as Peer Gynt truly observes, "Ein guter Wirth nein das ist er nicht."

Having thus assembled an audience about him, Lord Menteith sat down upon the edge of the four-post bed, while Captain Dalgetty, wiping the relics of the posset from his beard and mustachoes, and repeating the first verse of the Lutheran psalm, ALLE GUTER GEISTER LOBEN DEN HERRN, etc. rolled himself into one of the places of repose, and thrusting his shock pate from between the blankets, listened to Lord Menteith's relation in a most luxurious state, between sleeping and waking.