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"There is your Aunt," he said; "there are things to be considered one must certainly inquire so, we shall see." Kissing Greta loudly on both cheeks, he went towards the house. "What makes you want to paint us?" Christian asked, as soon as he was gone. "I think it very wrong," Miss Naylor blurted out. "Why?" said Harz, frowning. "Greta is so young there are lessons it is such a waste of time!"

Greta had just retired to her room for the night when the nurse noticed a change in him and hastily summoned her. A messenger was sent for Dr. Luttrell, but before he could reach the house Mr. Williams was dead. He could have done nothing if he had been there. That was the sole comfort Marcus could give to the stricken daughter, and she knew that he spoke the truth.

"I believe you, Greta." The blackbird hopped into the shrubbery. "You frightened him, Uncle Nic! Papa says that at Schloss Konig, where he lived when he was young, he would always be after jackdaws' nests." "Gammon, Greta. Your father never took a jackdaw's nest, his legs are much too round!" "Are you fond of birds, Uncle Nic?" "Ask me another, Greta! Well, I s'pose so."

"It will take a long time to cut these pictures out carefully; or, perhaps I can get them out without cutting. You must screw me up and go home. In the morning you must come early, when the gate is open, unscrew me again, and help carry the pictures." Greta did not answer at once. At last she shook her head violently. "I am afraid," she gasped.

"Don't you think that it is getting rather cold standing here?" interrupted Pieter van de Werff before she could answer. "Look, the sledge races are just beginning. Come, cousin, give me your hand," and, taking Lysbeth by the arm, he skated off into the throng, followed at a distance by Dirk and the serving-maid, Greta.

They had not gone far along the road, however, before the others passed them in a carriage, and at the strange sight Miss Naylor could be seen pursing her lips; Cousin Teresa nodding pleasantly; a smile on Dawney's face; and beside him Greta, very demure. Harz began to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" asked Christian. "You English are so funny.

"Yes, indeed; Greta and I have been in Brunswick Place all the morning planning things. Oh, Aunt Madge, it is such a lovely house. The dining-room and drawing-room are such handsome rooms, and there is such a study for Marcus. It is too large for us, of course." And then Olivia stopped and her eyes grew very wistful. "Aunt Madge, dear Aunt Madge, we want you and Deb to go with us.

The Wordsworths were the originals of the Lake coterie, as we have seen. Born at Cockermouth, and a pupil at the Hawkeshead school, Wordsworth was looking homewards when he settled in the District. The others came in consequence. Coleridge brought his family to Greta Hall, near Keswick; and with them came Mrs. Lovell, one of the three Misses Fricker, of whom Coleridge and Southey had married two.

Miss Naylor made no reply to this, but vexedly cut off a sound rose, which she hastily picked up and regarded with contrition. Greta spoke again: "Chris said: 'I have got the pictures, I shall tell her'; but I shall tell you instead, because it was I that told the story." Miss Naylor stared, wrinkling her nose, and holding the scissors wide apart....

I think you are very wise." "Alwyn was so grateful," went on Greta; "he knew my objection to a winter wedding; but, as he says, it will be so nice to begin the new year together; and, after all, what do these outward things matter?