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That afternoon Dirk, filled with a solemn purpose, and dressed in his best suit, called at the house in the Bree Straat, where the door was again opened by Greta, who looked at him expectantly. "Is your mistress in?" he stammered. "I have come to see your mistress." "Alas! Mynheer," answered the young woman, "you are just too late.

Greta looked at Kate, and Kate looked at Greta; then they suddenly laughed aloud, and, seizing him by both shoulders, danced about the room with him. "You will make yourselves black, children," he said. "My sweetheart is a chimney-sweep," hummed Greta; and Kate sang the second verse, "My sweetheart comes from the nigger's land."

Each supporting an end, the girls carried the bundle downstairs, and set out with their corpse-like burden along the wall-path between the river and the vines. Hidden by the shade of rose-bushes Greta lay stretched at length, cheek on arm, sleeping the sleep of the unrighteous. Through the flowers the sun flicked her parted lips with kisses, and spilled the withered petals on her.

How am I to live up to it? but she believes in me, and God bless her. I will try not to disappoint her," and there were tears in the young man's eyes as he said this. "Good-bye, Olive darling," whispered Greta, as she put her arms affectionately round her friend.

Even the dear sheep he hardly heeded, and his pet ewes Katte and Greta and the big ram Zips rubbed their soft noses in his hand unnoticed.

Circumstances certainly favoured the rapid growth of their intimacy. Greta, who had caught a severe cold, was obliged to remain closely confined to the house, and Dr. Luttrell, who was sincerely sorry for the lonely girl, encouraged his wife to go as often as possible.

At the pretty little church there is a marble altar-tomb, the inscription on which to Southey's memory was written by Wordsworth. Greta Hall was also for three years the home of Coleridge, the two families dwelling under the same roof.

Don't you ever want to know what is going on in the street?" "Of course I do." "How are you going to do it without the looking-glass to tell you?" "Use my own eyes, to be sure!" "Whose eyes do you use when you look in a glass?" said Greta. Martin looked puzzled, and had no reply ready; and Will thought his cousin Greta very clever, although she was a girl, and a year younger than himself.

Soon Dame Greta appeared, and, calling Erik, she conducted him to the apartment which had been prepared for him. It was a pretty little room, clean and well furnished, on the second floor. The three friends were now left alone. "Now, at last, you can tell us who this young fisherman from Noroe is, who reads Gibbon in the original text?" said Mr.

"Scold us, Paul," sobbed Kate. "No, rather beat us," urged Greta; "we have deserved it." He passed his hand across his brow. It all still seemed to him like a bad dream. "How could this have happened?" he murmured. "Have I watched over you so badly?" "They said they wanted to marry us!" Kate gasped out. "When the year of mourning was over, the wedding was to be," added Greta.