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'Until my comrade returns, Sir Gervas, said I, 'you might, since the subject does not appear to be a painful one to you, let us know how these evil times, which you bear with such philosophy, came upon you. 'The old story! he answered, flicking away a few grains of snuff with his deeply-laced cambric handkerchief. 'The old, old story!

She was too composed to harass herself at his not returning at midday, she knew him and Kitty to be quite capable of taking care of each other, and could imagine him detained by parish work, and disposing of the little maiden with Betty Gervas, or some other Ormersfield friend, but she had thought him looking fagged and worried, she feared his being as tired as he had been on the Sunday, and she could not bear that he should drink tea uncomfortably in the study, tormented by the children.

Given under my hand at Fort Howe this third day of July, 1781. The civil authority at this period was vested in the Court of General Sessions of the Peace for the County of Sunbury, which used to meet regularly at Maugerville, and of which James Simonds, James White, Israel Perley, Gervas Say and Jacob Barker, Esquires, were members. One of the notices issued by order of the court was as follows:

'The woman is dead, said Sir Gervas, 'and the man is also, I fear, past recovery. He is not burned, but suffers, I should judge, poor devil! from the rush of blood to the head. 'If that be all it may well be cured, 'remarked the stranger; and taking a small knife from his pocket, he rolled up the old man's sleeve and opened one of his veins.

Colet hastily put a manchet of fresh bread, a pasty, and a stoup of wine into a basket, and sent it by her husband, Gervas, after their master; and then eagerly assisted her mistress in coaxing the infant to swallow food, and in removing the soaked swaddling clothes which the captain and his crew had not dared to meddle with.

Yours to command, SOLOMON SPRENT." Sir Gervas had been chuckling to himself during the reading of this epistle, but at the last part we both broke out a-laughing. 'Land or sea, he will have it that battles are fought in ships, said the Baronet. 'You should have had that sage piece of advice for Monmouth's council to-day.

Saxon was holding his bloody rapier in his left hand, while the blood was trickling from a slight wound upon his right. Two miners lay across each other in front of him, but at the feet of Sir Gervas Jerome no fewer than four bodies were piled together.

"Oh, Preston," he cried, "as the waters run when the floodgates are up, so doth the visitation of God's love pass away from thee, oh, Preston!" "Get along with thee; thou righteous Crister," said one of the crowd, lifting a stick above his head. "Get along, or ye'll have Gervas Bennett aback of ye again."

Thence to Charing Cross, and there called at Unthanke's to see what I owed, but found nothing, and here being a couple of pretty ladies, lodgers in the kitchen, I staid a little there. Thence to my barber Gervas, who this day buries his child, which it seems was born without a passage behind, so that it never voided any thing in the week or fortnight that it has been born. Thence to Mr.

I was so mortal angry, I would not go back to the work; and I believe my Lord forgot it and then he went back to college; and Frampton and Gervas, they put on me, and you know how 'twas I come away from Ormersfield.