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Finally her young impatience conquered her restraint. "Well what do you think, popsy?" inquired she. "That I've got about as smart a gel as there is in Remsen City," replied he. "Don't lay it on too thick," laughed she. He understood why she was laughing, though he did not show it.

He might have found her, his "gel," his Joan, with her dumb, loving gaze; he might have told her the story of his sorrow in such a way that she, who forgave so easily, would have forgiven even him, and he might have comforted her, holding her so and so, showing her utterly the true, unchanged, greatly changed love of his chastened heart.

Sez he to me: 'I'll see the little gel wot I used to know, and I'll tell 'er as 'ow the Five Sisters be chalked, an' she'll listen to me you see if she don't! I was rather took with the idee myself, but I sez, sez I: 'Let alone, Josey, you be old as Methusaleh, and you can't get up to the Manor nohow; let Passon try what he can do wi' Leach, and now you've been and done your best, and can't do nothin', why we must give it up altogether."

I shall want to do him in by the time we get back. Oh, Lor! You done for yourself, Sally, my gel! You come a mucker! Look at your husband! Look at him!" She could see Gaga in the distance, moving agitatedly about a porter and the guard, and tripping over luggage, and interrupting other eager passengers, and stretching his long arm over their shoulders in order to touch the guard.

"Scarlett's of age, if the gel ain't, and you'd have to make a deal of statements, and maybe more 'ud come out than you'd like, and you mightn't gain your point in the end, for there's lots of ways of being married, and once the knot was tied you couldn't do nothing." "You takes it mighty cool for one who wants the gel yourself," said Granger, who felt ready to dance with vexation.

"Yes, mother I'll make a promise about that, if you like." "No, no; you never broke your word, and saying it once'll content me." "Mother," said Bet, suddenly. "Mebbe you'd like the little chaps to turn religious. As you've allays set such a deal of store on prayers and sich like, mebbe you'd like it for them?" "Oh, yes, Bet oh, my poor gel, has the Lord seen fit to soften yer hard heart?"

"Love's the onny thing in the world worth 'avin' an' keeping my beauty!" he said "An' love's wot you desarves, an' wot you're sure to get. I wouldn't see Squire's gel married for money, no, not if it was a reglar gold mine! I'd rather see 'er in 'er daisy grave fust!

I sez to Twitt 'Suthin's goin' to 'appen' an' 'e sez in 'is fool way 'G'arn, old woman, suthin's allus a-'appenin' somewheres' then when Mister Reay looked in all smiles an' sez 'Good-mornin', Twitt! I'm goin' to marry Miss Mary Deane! Wish us joy! Twitt, 'e up an' sez, 'There's your suthin', old gel!

"I don't want to see anyone in my house that I don't offer a chair to, but I can't think much of your detective powers, lad, or you'd have got your own gel cleared long ere this." "I aint his own girl, and he knows it," said Alison, speaking pertly because her heart was so sick.

And Josey Letherbarrow surveyed the young woman with an inimitable expression of disdain; "Well, it's a time o' life YOU'LL never reach, sane or sound, my gel, take my word for't! Fine feathers makes fine birds, but the life is more'n the meat and the body more'n raiment.