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Her stature was rather short, all of it conversational, at the eyebrows, the shoulders, the finger-tips, the twisting shape; a ballerina's expressiveness; and her tongue dashed half sentences through and among these hieroglyphs, loosely and funnily candid.

"I do though, for all that! I" pausing, and regarding him with a somewhat tragic air that sits most funnily upon her "am not going to stay here much longer!" "What!" says the professor aghast. "But my dear Miss Wynter, I'm afraid you must." "Why? What is she to me?" "Your aunt." "That's nothing nothing at all even a guardian is better than that. And you are my guardian.

But he fell in love with the charming child and used to tell her poems of a sort about the creation of the world, about the earth, and the history of humanity. His lectures about the primitive peoples and primitive man were more interesting than the Arabian Nights. Liza, who was ecstatic over these stories, used to mimic Stepan Trofimovitch very funnily at home.

It worried them to see her running about barefooted, and they carefully examined her feet, fearing she might have been bitten by some creeping thing in the wood. "Why does not the child wear boots?" said the old lady. Her head shook so funnily when she spoke, all the white curls bobbed just like bluebells. Ditte had no boots. "Good Heavens! do you hear that, Grandmother, the child has no boots.

It's as if he had saved us both which is a fact in our lives, or at any rate in our hearts, to make of itself a link. Don't you remember" he kept it up "how, the day she suddenly turned up for you, just before my wedding, we so frankly and funnily talked, in her presence, of the advisability, for her, of some good marriage?"

They also had a Father who was just perfect never cross, never unjust, and always ready for a game at least, if at any time he was NOT ready, he always had an excellent reason for it, and explained the reason to the children so interestingly and funnily that they felt sure he couldn't help himself. You will think that they ought to have been very happy.

And at the proper time Delmars leaped out at her side, mimicking the uncouth, hideous bounds of the gorilla so funnily that the grizzled sergeant himself gave a short laugh like the closing of a padlock. They danced together the gorilla dance, and won a hand from all. Then began the most fantastic part of the scene the wooing of the nymph by the gorilla.

"Never again will I leap through a window without knowing into what I am going to land. Ach!" "What happened?" asked Paul, trying to keep from laughing, for the player's voice was so funnily tragic. "What happened? Come and see!" cried Mr. Switzer. "I have into a chicken's home invaded myself already!" "Invaded himself into a chicken's home!" exclaimed Mr. Pertell.

A steersman who has captured a very curious specimen, carries it off carefully to press between the leaves of his signal-book, like a flower. Another sailor passing by, taking his small roast to the oven in a mess-bowl, looks at him funnily and says: "You had much better give it to me. I'd cook it!" August 24th. It is nearly five days since I have abandoned my home and Chrysanthème.

Funnily enough the representative's parting remark was, "I hope you're not like that other Bristol chap I interviewed, when we contacted him he didn't reply." However history did repeat itself, I met my future wife, changed my address and forgot to advise him of the new one.