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'But if one has not done anything wrong, she thought, 'nothing evil can harm one. I wonder if I have done anything wrong? And she considered. 'Oh, yes! I laughed at the poor duck with the red rag on her leg; she limped along so funnily, I could not help laughing; but it's a sin to laugh at animals. And she looked up at the doll.

In spite of these rags of old college-gowns, in which John so funnily arrays himself on occasions, his book is worth reading. If it has not the muscular, unaffected morality of his namesake's unsurpassable "School-Days at Rugby," it is at least the production of an honest, hearty Englishman, and teaches an excellent lesson on the value of pluck and perseverance.

They don't know any better. "I begged him to explain to me why they were so amused, and he grew very embarrassed and uncomfortable, and stammered oh! so funnily, 'Well if you really wish to know it's a bud, a baby white rose, and it's clinging to your dress. "'A baby! A baby rose! shrieked all the flowers.

I thought Mick Donovan would have died of laughing on hearing the cockatoo speak so funnily, his mirth being so contagious that we all followed suit; and, what with the screeching and screaming of the other birds, which seemed to take `Ally Sloper's' cry for a signal and chimed in, you never heard such a row in your life.

Another stunt was putting a name to different liquids which you smelt blindfold. This was the only class in which I got placed. I was the only one apparently who knew the difference between whisky and brandy! Funnily enough, would you believe it, it was the petrol that floored me. Considering we wallowed in it from morning till night it was rather strange.

A man in a grey top hat, grey-bearded, with thin brown, folded cheeks, and a certain elegance of posture, sat there with a woman in a lawn-coloured frock, whose dark eyes were fixed on himself. Soames looked quickly at his feet. How funnily feet moved, one after the other like that! Winifred's voice said in his ear: "Jolyon looks very ill; but he always had style.

'Uncle! said the girl, 'that peacock screams funnily. What does it say? 'Pooh! returned the robber, 'all peacocks scream like that in this country. By and by a jackal slunk across the road; the moment it saw poor pretty Bopoluchi it began to howl 'Bopoluchi, 'tis a pity! You have lost your wits, my pretty! 'Tis no uncle that relieves you, But a robber who deceives you!

"When they rushed at us the little bears, that were between them and us, seemed to think that all the old bears wanted to do was to get at the berries too, and so they kept so funnily twisting their little bodies between the old bears and us, while all the time they were eating the berries.

The transmutation of baser metals into gold usually terminated in the transmigration of all the gold his victims had into the Count's own purse. In 1776, the Count and Countess came to London. Here, funnily enough, they fell into the hands of a gambler, a shyster, and a female scamp, who together tormented them almost to death, because the Count would not pick them out lucky numbers to gamble by.

Hayward had talked of Maupassant, and his reputation was not unknown to Philip. "Did he make love to you?" he asked. The words seemed to stick funnily in his throat, but he asked them nevertheless. He liked Miss Wilkinson very much now, and was thrilled by her conversation, but he could not imagine anyone making love to her. "What a question!" she cried.