United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Bob at once assumed the duties of signal-officer, by once more taking a peep through the glass. "Commercial code pennant," said he; and then he read out the flags beneath it. "Run down and fetch up the signal-book," said I. He did so; we turned up the signal, and read, "Come under my lee; I wish to speak you." "Thank 'ee!" ejaculated Bob, "not if we can help it, Mister Johnson.

"Captain," said Frank, after he had closed the door carefully behind him, "have you lost your signal-book?" "No, I guess not;" answered the captain, in a tone of surprise. "What makes you ask?" "I heard, a few moments ago, that it had been stolen from you."

"P.S. I had almost forgotten to tell you, that in the signal-book you will find a more particular description of our prison, where it stands, and a drawing of the grounds, etc." When Griffith concluded this epistle, he returned it to the man to whom it was addressed, and fell back in his chair, in an attitude that denoted deep reflection.

This passage was not accessible to the servants, and the window with its blinds was a signal-book. Blinds up, Mr. Meadows out. White blind down, Mr. Meadows in. Blue blind down, Mr. Meadows in, but not alone. The same key that opened the garden-door opened a door at the back of the house which led direct to the passage above-mentioned.

Five minutes later, while Sir Gervaise was running his eye over the signal-book, the Plantagenet's calls were piping the people to their morning meal, at least an hour earlier than common; the people repaired to their messes, with a sort of stern joy; every man in the ship understanding the reason of a summons so unusual.

"She's the Giaour," observed Commander Allport, looking at the signal-book; "Murray will assist us in knocking her to pieces." "I very much doubt whether he will do anything of the sort," answered Adair, unable to restrain himself; "I only wish he had come an hour ago, to save her from destruction."

Protesting angrily at the slight put upon him, Sinful Peck relinquished the wheel, and joined the rest on the main-deck, where they had hurried. Two men went aloft to loose the topsail, and the rest cleared away gear, while Poop-deck examined the signal-book. "K. S. G. says, 'Have a tow-line ready. That ought to do, Seldom," he called.

And as every man-of-war is furnished with a signal-book, where all these things are set down in order, therefore, though two American frigates almost perfect strangers to each other came from the opposite Poles, yet at a distance of more than a mile they could carry on a very liberal conversation in the air.

A steersman who has captured a very curious specimen carries it off carefully to press between the leaves of his signal-book, like a flower. Another sailor, passing by, taking his small roast to the oven in a mess-bowl, looks at him quizzically and says: "You had much better give it to me. I'd cook it!" August 24th. Nearly five days have passed since I abandoned my little house and Chrysantheme.

The girl saw that there was no alternative, and she pulled from under the sofa, where Frank sat, the mail-bag, which appeared to be well filled with letters, and dispatched a servant to her room after the signal-book, which was to have been sent across the river with the mail.