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During the winter the rift between Steve and Beatrice became noticeable even to the Gorgeous Girl's friends, to Trudy's infinite delight; and by the time spring came it was an accepted thing that Steve's share in the scheme of things was to write checks and occupy as little space as possible in the apartment, whereas Beatrice's part in the scheme of things was to badger and nag at her husband eternally or be frigidly polite and civil, which was far harder to endure than her temper.

Naturally I turned my steps toward the home of my youth, and as I drew near the old-fashioned, many-gabled house, with its settled, substantial air, austere yet inviting, its large yard with the huge elms, and the big lamp burning in the library or "sittin'-room," where I first dolefully studied the geography that told me of a world outside, it seemed to bend toward me rather frigidly as if to say reproachfully: "You sold me! you sold me!"

With this speech feelingly reminiscent of her not having been asked to dinner on the day of the first party, Mrs Chick makes great use of her pocket-handkerchief, and falls on Mr Dombey's neck. But Mr Dombey frigidly lifts her off, and hands her to a chair. 'I thank you, Louisa, he says, 'for this mark of your affection; but desire that our conversation may refer to any other subject.

For the last three years I've been commanded to see things from some one else's point of view, and I'm sick of the expression." "For heaven's sake, don't put me in the same boat with your husband!" She regarded me somewhat frigidly for a moment longer, and then a slow, witching smile crept into her eyes. "I sha'n't," she promised, and laughed outright. "Do forgive me, Mr. Smart.

"We were playing Elaine" explained Anne frigidly, without even looking at her rescuer, "and I had to drift down to Camelot in the barge I mean the flat. The flat began to leak and I climbed out on the pile. The girls went for help. Will you be kind enough to row me to the landing?" Gilbert obligingly rowed to the landing and Anne, disdaining assistance, sprang nimbly on shore.

James Gollop's cheery self-confidence deserted him and he was highly distressed; for the keen-faced man happened to be his employer and his employer up to that moment believed one James Gollop was out on the road some hundred or so miles from New York looking after the interests of the Columbus Chocolate Company. Jimmy recovered sufficiently to bow and the bow was somewhat frigidly acknowledged.

Perhaps half an hour had passed, and madame could scarce contain herself longer, when finally she heard the rattle of wheels and saw descending at the curb a stranger, who hurriedly approached her carriage window. "Pardon, Madame," said he, as he removed his hat, "this carriage is, perhaps, for the house of Madame Delchasse?" "It is, Monsieur," said madame, frigidly. "I am Madame Delchasse."

Now this individual arose and came down the aisle. In his hand was a book. He halted by her side. "Beg pardon," said he. "Would you care to look at this?" "No, thank you," she replied frigidly. "It isn't bad," he persisted. "I'll leave it with you." "Thank you, I don't want it," said Clyde. But nevertheless he dropped the volume in her lap, smiling offensively. "Look it over," said he.

The tip that would be gratefully received if you were getting into that modest coat that you have discarded would be unworthy of the fur-lined standard that you have deliberately adopted. The recipient would take it frigidly, with a glance at the luxurious garment into which he had helped you a glance that would cut you to the quick.

Mordaunt Appleby, the wife of the brewer in the same town, and where those of high and unimpeachable 'family, like Mrs. Mandeville Poreham, whose mother was a Beedle, stared frigidly and unseeingly at every one hailing from the same place as creatures beneath her notice. For "Thank God!" said Mrs. Poreham, with feeling, "I do not live in Riversford.