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During the first stormy years, 1789-1790, she wrote burning missives to her friend Bosc, at Paris, which appeared anonymously in the Patriote Français, edited by Brissot, the future Girondist leader. Soon came the commission of Roland as the first citizen of the city of Lyons, which had a debt of forty million francs, to acquaint the National Assembly with its affairs. When, in 1791, Mme.

The illness I allude to, which the Italians call 'mal francais', although we might claim the honour of its first importation, does not shorten life, but it leaves indelible marks on the face. Those scars, less honourable perhaps than those which are won in the service of Mars, being obtained through pleasure, ought not to leave any regret behind.

It was the first time I had had any glimpse at all of her dramatic power, and, rough and imperfect as the test was, it seemed to me enough. I have not been so devoted to the Français, and to some of the people connected with it, for ten years, for nothing! One gets a kind of insight from long habit which, I think, one may trust.

The system of the ancient regime, universally, is the grouping together of all individuals in one body with a representative of all these bodies, especially those of the notables. Master Peruot, procureur, was seated on the balcony of the Theatre Francais when Count Moreton Chabrillant arrives and wants his place. The procureur resists and the count calls the guard, who leads him off to prison.

The general opinion held by people living near a river is that the spirit of a witch can take the form of a crocodile to do its work in; those who live away from large rivers or in districts like Congo Francais, where crocodiles are not very savage, hold that the witch takes on the form of a leopard.

The next number was thus announced: "Le Camarade Millet will sound, first, all the French bugle-calls and then the Boche ones." Le Camarade Millet, a big man with a fine horseshoe beard, stood at the edge of the stage, said, "la Charge français" and blew it on the bugle; then "la Charge boche," and blew that. "La Retraite français La Retraite boche," etc.

Good God, Flemming! could this girl have had some terrible, swift malady which touched her and passed, and still hangs over her an hereditary doom?" "Then she's the most artful actress that ever lived, I should say. The leading lady of the Theatre Francais might go and take lessons of her. But if that were so, Ned?" "If that were so," said Lynde slowly, "a great pity would be added to my love."

A French novel on Kitty's little table drew his attention. He thought not without a discomfortable humor of what a French husband would have made of a similar situation recalling the remark of a French acquaintance on some case illustrating the freedom of English wives. "Il y a un élément turc dans le mari français, qui nous rendrait ces moeurs-l

Black Forest House: and the sociability therein Its perfume George positively declines to remain in bed after four o'clock in the morning The road one cannot miss My peculiar extra instinct An ungrateful party Harris as a scientist His cheery confidence The village: where it was, and where it ought to have been George: his plan We promenade a la Francais The German coachman asleep and awake The man who spreads the English language abroad.

There was a number in the hawker's collection called "Conscrits Français," which may rank among the most dissuasive war-lyrics on record. It would not be possible to fight at all in such a spirit. The bravest conscript would turn pale if such a ditty were struck up beside him on the morning of battle; and whole regiments would pile their arms to its tune.