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Je ne veux pas dire qu'il ne fut pas Anglais avant tout. Passionnement patriote et ce n'est pas moi qui lui en ferai un reproche il epousait les passions, les coleres de son pays, mais sans rudesse, sans hauteur, sans haine ou mepris des autres peuples, sans prejuges contre aucune nation etrangere. 'Malgre son impartialite j'oserai dire qu'il avait une certaine faiblesse pour la France.

The British lost three killed and eighteen wounded. The Patriote losses are not known. The local tradition is that forty-two were killed and many more wounded. We know that thirty were taken prisoners on the field. The defeat of the rebels at St Charles really terminated the rebellion in the country about the Richelieu.

It was not absolutely a new party, since the foundations of it had been laid, during the last two months of the old Assembly, by Pétion and a low-born pamphleteer named Brissot, who, as editor of a newspaper to which he gave the name of Le Patriote Français, rivaled the most blood-thirsty of the Jacobins in exciting the worst passions of the populace.

On the 13th of August 1789 it was announced in an article in a journal called 'Loisirs d'un Patriote francais', which was afterwards published anonymously as a pamphlet, that the publisher had seen, among other documents found in the Bastille, a card bearing the unintelligible number "64389000," and the following note: "Fouquet, arriving from Les Iles Sainte-Marguerite in an iron mask."

Henceforth the plan for an elective Legislative Council became the chief feature of the policy of the Patriote party. The existing nominated and reactionary Legislative Council had served the purpose of a buffer between the governor's Executive Council and the Assembly.

Article entitled La question des congregations il y a cent ans, quoting largely from Feroux, Vues d'un Solitaire Patriote, 1784. See also Genlis, Dictionnaire des Etiquettes, ii. 79. Mathieu, 324. Its income from invested property, principally land, has been reckoned at one hundred and twenty-four million livres a year.

After asking for more rolls, we accosted him with the usual phrase, "Et vous, Monsieur, vous etes bon patriote?" *"And you, Sir, are without doubt, a good patriot?" "Oh Lord, Sir, yes; one's obliged to be so, now-a-days." Mr. P admitted the man's tone of voice and countenance as good evidence, and acknowledged I was right.

During the first stormy years, 1789-1790, she wrote burning missives to her friend Bosc, at Paris, which appeared anonymously in the Patriote Français, edited by Brissot, the future Girondist leader. Soon came the commission of Roland as the first citizen of the city of Lyons, which had a debt of forty million francs, to acquaint the National Assembly with its affairs. When, in 1791, Mme.

Gache-a-penn, you say patriote? Mon onc' 'Lias he has de patreeteesm, and what happen? He save de ship of de greshus King God save and dey eat up his hoysters! He get nosing.

Naturally, this situation caused much concern among the loyal people of the country. Loyalist meetings were held in Quebec and Montreal, to offset the Patriote meetings; and an attempt was made to form a loyalist rifle corps in Montreal. The attempt failed owing to the opposition of the governor, who was afraid that such a step would merely aggravate the situation.