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As Bennett stood there looking about him, one hand upon the foot-board of the bed, a strange, formless oppression of the spirit weighed heavily upon him. He seemed to see upon that naked bed the wasted, fever-stricken body of the dearest friend he had ever known. It was as though Ferriss were lying in state there, with black draperies hung about the bier and candles burning at the head and foot.

So we find dialect, as a branch of literature, worthy of the high attention and employment of the greatest master in letters not the merest mountebank. Turn to Dickens, in innumerable passages of pathos: the death of poor Jo, or that of the "Cheap John's" little daughter in her father's arms, on the foot-board of his peddling cart before the jeering of the vulgar mob; smile moistly, too, at Mr.

When I looked, there was a little mouse in it, an' all to once I knew what I'd like ter do. "The bedclothes was pulled down over the foot-board, an' I could see the slit in the tick where they poke in their hands to stir up the straw. I put the trap with the mouse in it, in there among the straw, an' then I went down just as quiet as I could, an' got old Tom an' tugged him upstairs.

Dove behind runners in fact, who at times rested themselves by an upright swing on the foot-board. The door of the gorgeous machine was thrown open, and forth sprang a pretty little boy. Next descended the friendly form of Mrs. Dove, then a smart person, who was my Lady's own woman, and finally something dazzlingly grand and beautiful in feathers, light blue, and silver.

She gave a suppressed yell, bolted into the room, and stood tightly clutching the foot-board of the bed. Halsey was gradually waking. "I've seen it," Liddy wailed. "A woman in white down the hall!" I paid no attention. "Halsey," I persevered, "some one is breaking into the house. Get up, won't you?" "It isn't our house," he said sleepily. And then he roused to the exigency of the occasion.

I believe the old man knew there was something coming to him. Another thing. I believe it was something he thought he couldn't dodge." Trent pulled a crate opposite to Mr. Bunner's place on the foot-board and seated himself. "This sounds like business," he said. "Tell me your ideas." "I say what I do because of the change in the old man's manner this last few weeks. I dare say you have heard, Mr.

A foot-board to the bedstead is of great service, when you are taken with the cramp in the night, and by placing the foot against it, will sometimes give relief. Another remedy is to tie a string round the limb, between the body and the pain, about as tight as a physician does to draw blood; wear a bandage filled with pounded brimstone round the limb, to prevent a return of it.

But nothing else is vivid in my remembrance till that early hour of the dreary morning, when, on waking to the world with a cry, I beheld my uncle's anxious figure, bending over me from the foot-board. Instantly I found tongue, and question after question leaped from my lips.

The sunshine was pale, but it suited his hurt eyes better: it crept slowly in the mornings over the snuff-colored carpet on the floor, up the brown foot-board of the bed, and, when the wind shook the window-curtains, made little crimson pools of mottled light over the ceiling, curdling pools, that he liked to watch: going off, from the clean gray walls and rustling curtain and transparent crimson, into sleeps that lasted all day.

But there was no responsive sunshine upon Sturk's stern; haggard face, as he said very low still looking on the foot-board 'I thank you, doctor. So after a few more questions, and a little bit of talk with Mrs. Sturk, they got that good lady out of the room, and said Lowe to the patient 'I'm sorry to trouble you, Dr. Sturk, but there's a weighty matter at which you last night hinted; and Dr.