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The leader won't laugh at your one-man followin'. He'll shake your hand warmly, offer to propose you for membership in his club, take you down to the corner for a drink and ask you to call again.

"Jest ez I kalkilated. Now it so happens, ez you said, that I was pinched on sugar. So every mother's son and daughter that gits a squint at that paper to-night got to pony up five cups of sugar. Savve? Five cups, big cups, white, or brown, or cube, an' I'll take their IOU's, an' send a boy round to their shacks the day followin' to collect."

"What creatur's men folks be to like such things! Well, I do declare." "Yes," explained the mild little man. "There's sights of desp'radoes makes a han'some livin' out o' followin' them coaches, an' stoppin' an' robbin' 'em clean to the bone. Your money or your life!" and he flourished his stub of a whip over the sorrel mare. "Landy me! you make me run all of a cold creep.

I have sole the pig and I am a-puttin' in this six dollars and sixteen cents, I would have sent seven dollars even but the baby had the colic so bad I had to git some more of that pain-killer which I give the hoss onct, and Johnnie lost the change comin' home from the store. The baby is well, but the hoss ain't. The followin' is what I would like to have.

"I s'pose," remarked the hunter, who had walked along in deep cogitation for the last five minutes, and had apparently come to some conclusion of profound depth and sagacity "I s'pose that it's all human natur'; that some men takes to preachin' as Injins take to huntin', and that to understand sich things requires them to begin young, and risk their lives in it, as I would in followin' up a grizzly she-bear with cubs."

"If they continue on the course they are followin', guv'nor," he concluded, "they'll nevah reach Santa Fe. And I have every reason to believe that The Terror plans to raid them." "And what," asked the governor pleasantly, "do you expect me to do?" "I thought, sah," Kid Wolf replied, "that yo' would let me return to them with a company of yo' soldiers."

"He doesn't leave no trail till she begins to snow," he argued, "an' he nat'rally doesn't expect no mud-turkles like me a followin' of him eastward. Consequently he feeds when he strikes water. This yere is water." All of which seemed satisfactory to Alfred. He walked on foot in order to discover the trail in the snow.

To get his thoughts away from her I rattled on about my trip to Richfield and told of my experiences in returning over the mountains. After I had narrated Hughes' quick action in saving me from an assassin's bullet Cousin jerked up his head and said: "Moccasin, one you give to that there young woman we're now followin'?" I nodded, and he continued: "I 'low it was John Ward who tried to pot you.

It's only the followin' evenin', though, that Sadie announces: "What do you think, Shorty? A Vermont cousin of Mr. Twombley-Crane is in town, with his wife, and they're going to give them a dinner party Friday night." "Gee!" says I. "I'd like to be there." "You will be," says she; "for you are specially invited." "Eh?" says I. "To meet the poor relations? How's that?"

The preacher threw himself despairingly on the ground beside him. "Speak, brother! For God's sake, speak!" It was his last whisper so faint it might have been the first of his freed soul. But he only said: "You're followin' me? You understand what I mean?" The vast dining-room of the Crustacean Hotel at Greyport, U. S., was empty and desolate.