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At the far end, four dim figures were visible. Black faces peered in wonder. The Legionaries caught sight of giant simitars, of fluttering white robes as the figures advanced. "By Allah!" a hoarse shout echoed. "Look, Mustapha! The Feringi!" In the shadows at the other end, the amazed Maghrabi swordsmen hesitated one precious moment. White-rimmed eyes stared, teeth gleamed through distorted lips.

Their dull minds, slowly reacting, could not grasp the significance of all this. "The Feringi, Yusuf," cried another voice. "And they are alone! What meaneth this?" "But kill kill!" Their attack was hopeless, but its bravery ranked perfect. Their shouting charge down the chamber, sabers high, ended in grunting sprawls of white.

But the beauty of a fair woman caused Solomon ben David to stumble in his path; how much more, then, should the son of Hyder Naig remain firm under temptation! That men may see clearly, we must remove the light which dazzles them. Yonder Feringi woman must be placed at my disposal."

Then thou and thine can fly away to thine own country, and bear witness that there be Arabs who do not love to slay the Feringi, but count all men as brethren. "But if thou wilt not deliver Abd el Rahman to me, or test thy magic against my magic, then depart now, in peace, before the setting of the sun. I have spoken!" "Take him at his word, my Captain!" murmured Leclair.

"Some twenty thousand of the most precious parchments were privately carried by our Sufis to Medina, and thence, after many years, to Jannati Shahr. Here they still lie, in perfect form, clearly to be read. This is a treasure that would set the world of the Feringi ablaze and make thee as a god among thy people. Ask this gift, O Frank, and it shall be granted thee!

Hence with that lump of bloody clay, and let the Hakim Hartley and the English Vakeel come before me." They were brought forward, while some of the attendants flung sand upon the bloody traces, and others removed the crushed corpse. "Hakim," said Hyder, "thou shalt return with the Feringi woman, and with gold to compensate her injuries, wherein the Begum, as is fitting, shall contribute a share.

I have revealed the inner mystery of Islam, that to this day no man of the Feringi hath ever known. I am a very great man of sin, and should have first torn out my tongue. "But my life is in your hands, Master, and I have shared your salt. Allah knows I was forced to speak. Shal'lah! I beg you, Master, now let me go!" "Soon, Rrisa," the chief answered, turning away from the map.

The outraged Moslems, in one fierce burst of passion against the invading Feringi, began to swarm like ants when the stone covering their ant-hill is kicked over. From end to end of the valley, a howling tumult arose.

On the contrary, he was no sooner arrived in the city, than he hastened to the principal Mosque, having no doubt that he was there most likely to learn some tidings of Barak el Hadgi. He approached accordingly the sacred spot, and as to enter it would have cost a Feringi his life, he employed the agency of a devout Mussulman to obtain information concerning the person whom he sought.

"The wise," said Hartley, declining the present, and at the same time paying a suitable compliment to the Fakir's cap and robe, "the wise of every country are brethren. My left hand takes no guerdon of my right." "A Feringi can then refuse gold?" said the Fakir.