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John the golden rose presented to him by the pope in the corner of the picture. After the gallery come the armory and the chapel. Beyond at the end of the vaulted passage, lighted from above, there is a closed door of dark walnut-wood. When the marchesa enters this vaulted passage, her firm, quick step falters. As she approaches the door, she is visibly agitated.

Such is the disposition and situation of people able to make advances in anarchical times, when the State falters and no longer performs its customary service, when property is no longer adequately protected by the public force, when jacqueries overspread the country and insurrections break out in the towns, when chateaux are sacked, archives burnt, shops broken into, provisions carried off and transportation is brought to a halt, when rents and leases are no longer paid, when the courts dare no longer convict, when the constable no longer dares serve a warrant, when the gendarmerie holds back, when the police fails to act, when repeated amnesties shield robbers and incendiaries, when a revolution brings into local and central power dishonest and impoverished adventurers hostile to every one that possesses property of any kind.

O let me die his death! all nature cries: Then live his life all nature falters there. These words were introduced after the author's decease. What a thunderbolt is this! Reader, have you ever spoken harshly to, or persecuted, a child of God a poor penitent sinner? Mark this well. No matter what profession we make, if the love of Christ be not its foundation, all is nothing without this love.

Howel has already answered firmly and boldly, and she strives to say the final, 'I will, firmly too, but her voice falters; she is too much absorbed in her own emotions to notice how carelessly and thoughtlessly Howel repeats his solemn promise to her after the clergyman, but she feels him press her hand and is reassured.

My tongue falters as I look over this country and see bereaved widows and orphans, the white-haired patriots that mourn for the first-born, that shall ne'er greet them, and those who sit at the desolate hearth, with hands upraised, waiting for the knock that will be but the death-knell of all their hopes; and think that the phantom of secession has caused all this!

"I really think you ought to be above this sort of thing," says the Colonel, with such indignation that she is at once comforted; all the effusive words of flattery he could have used could not have been half so satisfactory as this rather rude speech. "Well, never mind me," says she; "let us think of my dear little girl. My poor Tita! I fear I fear " She falters, and breaks down. "I am powerless.

And as he only looks down at her, taking no advantage of the reluctant permission, she falters out the ill-chosen words, "Don't you know how grateful I am to you?" And then, stung past endurance, he turns on her savagely: "Does that mean that I have bought the right to kiss you?"

Tom never hurries, fusses, or falters, be the weather never so boisterous afloat or the domestic tribulations never so wild ashore. When Nelly, his third wife, tore her hair out by the roots in double handfuls and danced upon it, Tom calmly observed, "That fella make fool belonga himself!"

"Vive le Roi!" in suppressed tones falters a third. "See the poor young Duchess!" cried a woman, who was availing herself of her peculiar rotundity as a battering-ram to force her way through the crowd. "She had better have remained at home!" sneered a Dynastic bitterly.

"It doesn't matter," he whispered hoarsely. "I don't care what happens to me, Bedelia, I I shall never give you up. You are worth all the kingdoms in the world. You are the loveliest, most adorable " "Hush! The eyes of your people are upon you. See! Even the waiter recognises his prince. He is overcome. Ah! He falters with the consomme. It is a perilous moment. There!