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Of strange, discordant, and even hostile elements, we gathered from the four winds, and formed and fought the battle through, under the constant hot fire of a disciplined, proud, and pampered enemy. Did we brave all then to falter now? now, when that same enemy is wavering, dissevered, and belligerent? The result is not doubtful. We shall not fail if we stand firm, we shall not fail.

Are you sure that you do not falter or fear?" "Me?" said John Hopkins. "Just give me one of those roses in the bunch you are wearing, will you?" The lady gave him a red, red rose. John Hopkins kissed it, stuffed it into his vest pocket, opened the door and walked into the room. It was a handsome library, softly but brightly lighted. A young man was there, reading.

Sherringham with her; to which he replied that, save across the footlights, she had not been in touch with him. At this a soft exclamation broke from Biddy. "Poor Peter! Where is he, then?" Nick seemed to falter. "He's walking the streets." "Walking the streets?" "I don't know I give it up!" our young man replied; and his tone, for some minutes, reduced his companions to silence.

We all looked at Arthur. He saw too, what we all did, the infinite kindness which suggested that his should be the hand which would restore Lucy to us as a holy, and not an unholy, memory. He stepped forward and said bravely, though his hand trembled, and his face was as pale as snow, "My true friend, from the bottom of my broken heart I thank you. Tell me what I am to do, and I shall not falter!"

But, as the concierge daily reminded him, there was a limit to mercy and to patience. In the mean time they held him, a hostage against certain contingencies. Held him and kept him barely alive. Already he tottered about the room when his bonds were removed; but his eyes did not falter, or his courage. Those whom he had served so well, he felt, would not forget him.

But the lad did not falter, and his right hand grasped the handle of his automatic more firmly, as he made reply: "Entirely so, sir," and then paused. "Well, well!" shouted the chief. "Explain!" Chester drew a deep breath, and took a haphazard shot: "My men are ready to seize the entire Belgian staff, at a moment's notice, sir."

Throughout the whole of a ceremony, which is ever solemn and admonitory, the squatter had maintained a grave and serious deportment. His vast features were visibly stamped with an expression of deep concern; but at no time did they falter, until he turned his back, as he believed for ever, on the grave of his first-born.

I therefore bethought myself, in that peril of our lives and cause, of two things which seemed most needful; first, Not to falter in our enterprise until we had proved the utmost of the Lord's pleasure in our behalf; and second, To use the means under Him which, in all human undertakings, are required to bring whatsoever is ordained to pass.

At last there is no one left in the elevator but the muttering man and me. “Well,” I falter, chewing weakly on my Black Jack, “What shall I do, then?” “I'll leave ya off at the third this time, but don't ya try this trick again.” “Again? Goodness! You don't think I'd make this mistake twice, do you?” “Twice?” he bellows. “Twice? Didn't I have this all out with ya yesterday mornin'?”

The slight falter, the womanly softness of her voice, had robbed me of all resentment, and I was conscious merely of admiration for her courage and loyalty. But I desired intently to stand equally high in her memory, and in order to do so must exhibit my own wit, my own resources in emergency.