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Danti's story may be taken as fact or left as fable, and with it the period of legend or vague statement may be said to end the rest is history, both of genuine experimenters and of charlatans.

That it might the better escape notice, he had invented a fiction that it belonged to 'Mr. Blackboy', and was 'to be left with Barkis till called for'; a fable he had elaborately written on the lid, in characters now scarcely legible. He had hoarded, all these years, I found, to good purpose. His property in money amounted to nearly three thousand pounds.

Quesnay came in, and, having heard what was said, with his monkey airs, began to relate a fable of a fox, who, being at dinner with other beasts, persuaded one of them that his enemies were seeking him, in order that he might get possession of his share in his absence. I did not see Madame again till very late, at her going to bed. She was more calm.

"You make me very proud; it realizes the fable of the Rat and the Lion," said La Palferine. "I shall begin by lending you twenty thousand francs," continued Maxime. "Twenty thousand francs! I knew very well that by dint of walking up and down this boulevard " said La Palferine, in the style of a parenthesis. "My dear fellow, you must put yourself on a certain footing," said Maxime, laughing.

Of the deep and painful interest which this book excites no abstract can give a just notion. So sad and dark a story is scarcely to be found in any work of fiction; and we are little disposed to envy the moralist who can read it without being softened. The pretty fable by which the Duchess of Orleans illustrated the character of her son the Regent might, with little change, be applied to Byron.

I can well conceive that the story I tell will be regarded by most as a wild and fantastic fable; that by some it may be considered a vehicle for guesses at various riddles of Nature, without or within us, which are free to the license of romance, though forbidden to the caution of science. But, I I know unmistakably my own identity, my own positive place in a substantial universe.

But I've read about you fellows in the papers, and I am on my guard. You'd better go away, or I may call a policeman." This certainly was turning the tables on Walter with a vengeance. For a fellow like Damon to accuse him of being a confidence man was something like the wolf's charge against the lamb in AEsop's fable. Damon saw that Walter looked perplexed, and followed up the attack.

To go whining after an old Jew fable in these days of progress! Why, what do you think is the last discovery about light?" "You will allow this much in excuse for their being so misled," returned Helen, with some bitterness, "that the old fable pretends at least to provide help for sore hearts; and except it be vivisection, I " "Do be serious, Helen," interrupted George.

It seems to me as though everything in life worth having depends on my doing what you and others want me to do. But how can I! I hate talking about it, it sounds so pharisaical, but my father wanted me to be a Christian, and you know what Christianity meant to him. As I have said again and again, it comes to this either war is wrong and hellish, or Christianity is a fable. Both cannot be right.

It is incontestably from the Brahmins that we hold the idea of the fall of the celestial beings in revolt against the Sovereign of nature; and it is from there probably that the Greeks drew the fable of the Titans. It is there also that the Jews at last took the idea of the revolt of Lucifer, in the first century of our era.