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"It was the thought of that lady which brought from Ethel the only note of complaint she uttered in my presence during that whole dreary month." "We were spending Sunday with a house party at Hyde Park; and driving to church, we passed an avenue gate with a lodge. 'Rockhurst, sir, said the coachman. 'Whose place? I inquired.

"Stay," said Ethel, "if the ill-temper was in you, you would only be the crosser for being indulged at least, so books say. And I am sure myself that it is not whether things are disagreeable or not, but whether one's will is with them, that signifies." "I don't quite understand."

I'll sew up the broken cases, and rub up the silver, and string the beads, and make all as good as new, and you will find plenty of girls at home glad to get them, I am sure," answered Jenny, rapidly bringing order out of chaos with those skilful hands of hers. Ethel leaned back and watched her silently for a few minutes.

The librarian says you can't never buy copies of Julia Marlowe's an' Ethel Barrymore's an' Maude Adams' plays. I guess they're just scared somebody like us will come along an' do 'em better than they do an' bust their market. Actresses," she went on, "is all jest et up with jealousy of one another. Is there anythin' except the minister the matter with 'Ghosts?"

The letter, of course, had no legal value, but Ethel was a rich woman, and insisted that the money should be sent, as from the family. The old Colonel seemed hardly to comprehend it, and when Clive told him the story of the legacy, and said they could now pay Mrs. Mackenzie, "Quite right, quite right; of course we shall pay her, Clivy, when we can!" was all he said.

Ethel could not talk her over with Margaret, for all seemed to make it a point that Margaret should believe the best. Dr. May turned from the subject with a sort of shuddering grief, and said, "Don't talk of her, poor child only pray for her!"

Ethel wondered whether the blushes she felt burning all over her face and neck would be remarked by those before her, or would reveal to Tom, behind her, that the child was giving her the key to his mystery. Marvelling at the exemplary gentleness and patience of his replies to his little coquettish tormentor, she next set herself to relieve him by a summons to Ella to tea and cherries.

I am so busy all day, and of course my evenings belong to Basil." "Yes, and there is no one to talk to me. Ethel and the Englishman would pass an hour or two very nicely, and your father is very fond of foreigners. I think you ought to ask Ethel to introduce him to us; then we could have a little dinner for him and invite him to our opera box don't you agree with me, Bryce?" "If Dora does.

We meet on neutral ground," I greeted when I was close behind her. "I propose a truce." She jumped a bit, and looked very much astonished to see me there so close. If it had been some other girl say Ethel Mapleton I'd have suspected the genuineness of that surprise; as it was, I could only think she had been very much absorbed not to hear me scrambling up there.

"Won't you bring her in to see us once in a while?" begged the younger Miss Clark. "We should like so much to have you. We've watched her go by with that charming looking young woman who takes care of her." "Miss Merriam. She's from the School of Mothercraft," and Ethel Brown explained the work of the school. "How fortunate you were to know about the school.