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O'Reilly knew the place well; every building that flanked it was familiar to him, from the vast, rambling Governor's Palace to the ornate Casino Espanol and the Grand Hotel, and time was when he had been a welcome visitor at all of them. But things were different now.

We got our lodgings in their hut. Neither the boss nor I could habla Espanol speak Spanish, you know much then. Dry bank, nice shade, jolly hammocks, fresh fish, good game, everything lovely. The governor chucked them a few dollars to begin with; but it was like boarding with a pair of savage apes, anyhow. By and by we noticed them talking a lot together.

'S truth, Jimmy, I felt real mad with him because he didn't have it in thousand-dollar bills, and hand it to me on a silver waiter. Now, we've got to wait till he goes to the bank and gets the money for us." They talked it over for two hours, and then Dunn said; "Bring him to No. Broadway, at four o'clock to-morrow afternoon." In due time Kelley called at the Hotel Espanol for the General.

Let us begin, say, with opus 38, a "Polonaise" that out-Herods Chopin in bravura, but is full of vigor and well held together. A "Dance of the Gnomes," for piano, is also arranged for a sextet, the arrangement being a development, not a bare transcription. "Æolian Murmurings" is a superb study in high color. A "Caprice Español" is a bravura realization of Spanish frenzy.

But this second idiom was no more intelligible than the first. Certain words, however, caught Glenarvan's ear as sounding like Spanish, a few sentences of which he could speak. ESPANOL?" he asked. The Patagonian nodded in reply, a movement of the head which has an affirmative significance among all nations. "That's good!" said the Major. "Our friend Paganel will be the very man for him.

This play was first produced at the Teatro Español on March 19, 1881, and achieved a triumph that soon diffused the fame of its author, which till then had been but local, beyond the Pyrenees. It is now generally recognised as one of the standard monuments of the modern social drama. It owes its eminence mainly to the unflinching emphasis which it casts upon a single great idea.

Augustus laughed long and loud; shook hands with him heartily; paid him the money down, and gave him his liberty into the bargain; whereafter soon this Quijote espanol married a Roman wife, and as Caius Julius Corocottus "lived happily ever after."

"Yes, sir." "How old are you?" "Not quite twenty-six." "What's your name?" "Herbert Strange!" "Ah? One of the Stranges of Virginia?" "No, sir." There was another long pause, during which the older man's eyes wandered once more over the shed and the piles of wool, coming back again to Strange. "You should pick up a little Spanish." "I've been studying it. Hablo Español, pero no muy bien." Mr.

"Can we get anything to eat here?" asked Keith. They all smiled again most amiably. The elder swept off his hat with a free gesture. "A piedes ouestros, senora," he said, "pero no hablo Ingles. Habla usted Espanol?" Keith understood the last three words. "No," he shook his head violently, "no Espanol. Hungry." He pointed to Nan, then to himself: "She, me, hungry."

The Casino Español possesses a small but select library with a comfortable reading-room. Its collection of books and periodicals is said to be the richest and most varied in the island. It was founded in 1871. The religious association known under the name of Conferences of St. Vincent de Paul had a small circulating library of religious works duly approved by the censors.