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Chevalier a Cheveux blonds, Plus de Mouche, plus de Poudre, Plus de Ribons et Cannons. Oh, what a dear ravishing thing is the beginning of an Amour! Ela. Thou'rt still in Tune, when wilt thou be tame, Bellemante? Bell. When I am weary of loving, Elaria. Ela. To keep up your Humour, here's a Letter from your Charmante. Bellemante reads.

Their Attendants, Persons that represent the Court Cards. Keplair and Galileus, two Philosophers. Negroes, and Persons that dance. Musick, Kettle-Drums, and Trumpets. The SCENE, NAPLES. SCENE I. A Chamber. Enter Elaria and Mopsophil.

If we be, I have taken order against a Discovery. Ela. I tremble, but know not whether 'tis with Fear or Joy. Enter Cinthio. Cin. Ha, shun my Arms, Elaria! Ela. Heavens! Why did you come so soon? Cin. Is it too soon, whene'er 'tis safe, Elaria? Ela. I die with Fear Met you not Scaramouch? He went to bid you wait a while; what shall I do? Cin. Why this Concern? none of the House has seen me.

I understand not your Cabalistical Language; but in mine, I confess that you wak'd me from the rarest Dream Where methought the Emperor of the Moon World was in our House, dancing and revelling; and methoughts his Grace was fallen desperately in love with Mistriss Elaria, and that his Brother, the Prince, Sir, of Thunderland, was also in love with Mistriss Bellemante; and methoughts they descended to court 'em in your Absence And that at last you surpriz'd 'em, and that they transform'd themselves into a Suit of Hangings to deceive you.

This wholly fills and absorbs his every waking thought, and, in consequence, he denies his daughter Elaria and his niece Bellemante to their respective lovers, the Viceroy's two nephews, Don Cinthio and Don Charmante, as being men of men of mere terrestial mould.

The doctor, however, who has been hastily summoned to the bedside of his brother, reported dying, returns a moment after he has set out for a key which has been accidently dropped from his bunch and finds Cinthio and Elaria. The gallant can only escape by pretending to be a lunatic brought to the house for medical treatment and cure.

The Sea, Sir, where the Emperor's Fisherman casting his Nets, drew me up, and took me for a strange and monstrous Fish, Sir, and as such, presented me to his Mightiness, who going to have me Spitchcock'd for his own eating Doct. How, Sir, eating? Har. I told him I did: whereupon he made me his Bed-fellow, and the Confident to his Amour to Seigniora Elaria. Doct.

How, Sir, no marvel then, that looking towards the South, I saw such splendid Glories in the Air. Doct. Ha, saw'st thou ought descending in the Air? Scar. Oh, yes, Sir, Wonders! haste to the old Gallery, whence, with the help of your Telescope, you may discover all. Doct. I would not lose a moment for the lower Universe. Enter Elaria, Bellemante, Mopsophil, dressed in rich Antick Habits. Ela.

Come, come, take Heart of Grace; pull your Hats down over your Eyes; put your Arms across; sigh and look scurvily; your simple Looks are ever a Token of Repentance: come come along. SCENE III. Changes to the Inside of the House. The Front of the Scene is only a Curtain or Hangings, to be drawn up at Pleasure. Enter Elaria, Bellemante, Mopsophil, Florinda, and Ladies, dress'd in Masking Habits.

But if that Mortal shou'd be Elaria! but no more, I dare not yet suppose it perhaps the thing was real and no Dream, for oftentimes the grosser part is hurried away in Sleep by the force of Imagination, and is wonderfully agitated This Fellow might be present in his Sleep, of this we've frequent Instances I'll to my Daughter and my Niece, and hear what Knowledge they may have of this. Mop.