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As Audrey sat very upright, pressing her back against the back of Jane Foley and clutching at Jane Foley's skirts with her hands behind her the locked pair were obliged thus to hold themselves exactly over the axis of the wheel, for the slightest change of position would have resulted in their being flung to the circumference and into the blue grip of the law she had visions of all her life just as though she had been drowning.

If faith alone could uphold one, Bean would have walked upon the face of the waters that day. But the result was a bald experience of the sensations of the drowning, and a lasting fear of any considerable body of water. Ever after it was an adventure not to be lightly dared to cross even the stoutest bridge. And flying!

A churchman, with his hand upraised, denounced the mockery of such a couple coming to God's altar. Quiet waters in landscapes, with the sun reflected in their depths, asked, if better means of escape were not at hand, was there no drowning left? Ruins cried, 'Look here, and see what We are, wedded to uncongenial Time! Animals, opposed by nature, worried one another, as a moral to them.

I must have lost consciousness almost immediately, for I recall nothing more until I suddenly awoke out of a troubled sleep, during which I dreamed that I was drowning, to find the cave lighted by what appeared to be diffused daylight, and a tiny trickle of water running down the corridor and forming a puddle in the little depression in which it chanced that Ajor and I lay.

The two huskies went off the spring-board so close one behind the other that it looked foolhardy, and struck out rapidly for the drowning man, but he had gone down his second time already. It was a race between life and death. I said: "They will never reach him in time." The lady screamed. Then a new voice broke upon the still evening air.

In this strange cowardice there was something so terrible, yet so touching, that it became sublime, it was the grasp of a drowning soul at the last plank. "You are right perhaps," he said, after a pause; and wisely forbearing all taunt and resistance, he left the heart to its own workings. Suddenly, Lucretia caught at the check-string. "Stop," she exclaimed, "stop!

At last, anxiety to save a drowning man prevailed over prudence, and I sanctioned the attempt. "The boat, with Mr Christopher and a picked crew, was lowered, not without great difficulty, and, sad to say, with the loss of one of the brave fellows. He was the bowman; and, as he stood up with his boat-hook in his hand to shove off, the boat give a terrific pitch and sent him over the bow.

Believe ye, men, in the things called omens? Then laugh aloud, and cry encore! For ere they drown, drowning things will twice rise to the surface; then rise again, to sink for evermore. So with Moby Dick two days he's floated tomorrow will be the third. Aye, men, he'll rise once more, but only to spout his last! D'ye feel brave men, brave?" "As fearless fire," cried Stubb.

Marston had seized me, and with the other hand was clinging to the iron rail on the top of the paddle-box, clinging with the death-grip of a drowning man, if you know what that is. I tried to unclasp the fingers, to drive him from his hold on the rail. Of course I couldn't; it was Death's hand, not his, that was holding there, and my own strength was going, when a thought flashed into my mind.

The storm subsided, and sullen waves of self-contempt swelled and sank, as if to overwhelm her drowning soul. She understood at last the ascetic's wrath against the mortal body and his irresistible craving for bodily pain. Very early in the morning Cecilia fell into a dreamless sleep at last, and awoke, unrefreshed, after nine o'clock.