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"The devil fetched me, I guess." He was far gone in liquor. "I am like Mr. Sterne's starling: 'I can't get out. Ever read Mr. Sterne's what is it? oh, his 'Sentimental Journey'?" Here was one worse than I, and I felt inclined to use what Friends call a precious occasion, a way being opened. "This is a sad business, Savoy," I said. "Dre'ful," he returned. "Facilis descensus taverni.

Hopper regarded him compassionately; the good woman was much disturbed by the strangeness of his demeanour lately, and feared he was going to be ill. "You look dre'ful tired, sir," she said. "I'll make you a cup of tea at once. It'll do you good." "Yes, get me some tea," answered Warburton, absently. Then, as she was leaving the room, he asked, "Is it true that the grocer Boxon is dead?"

I meekly interposed. Mrs. Tucker was fast stunning me! "Law yis! Melindy, you go git that 'ere key; it's a-hangin' up'side o' the lookin'glass in the back shed, under that bunch o' onions father strung up yisterday. Got the bread sot to rise, hev ye? well, git yer bunnet an' go out to the coop with Mr. Greene, 'n' show him the turkeys an' the chickens, 'n' tell what dre'ful luck we hev hed.

"Oh!" said she, "you're goin' right to Miss Tucker's, a'n't ye? got to drop the turkeys; won't you tell Miss Tucker 't George is comin' home tomorrer, an' he's ben to Californy. She know'd us allers, and Melindy 'n' George used ter be dre'ful thick 'fore he went off, a good spell back, when they was nigh about childern; so I guess you'd better tell 'em."

An' so, says I, 'Cato, your buttons mus' wait' An' Cato, he sees de 'priety ob it, 'cause, dough he can't make cake like me, he's a 'mazin' good judge on't, an' is dre'ful tickled when I slips out a little loaf for his supper." "How is Mrs. Marvyn?" said Mrs. Scudder. "Kinder thin and shimmery; but she's about, habin' her eyes eberywar, 'n' lookin' into eberyting.

It was Uncle Tom, who had come in, and stood listening to the conversation at the door. "Chil'en!" he said, "I'm afeard you don't know what ye're sayin'. Forever is a dre'ful word, chil'en; it's awful to think on 't. You oughtenter wish that ar to any human crittur." "We wouldn't to anybody but the soul-drivers," said Andy; "nobody can help wishing it to them, they 's so awful wicked."

I'xpect it's Mister Greene, Miss Smith's cousin. Well, you be! Don't favor her much though; she's kinder dark complected. She ha'n't got round yet, hes she? Dew tell! She's dre'ful delicate. I do'no' as ever I see a woman so sickly's she looks ter be sence that 'ere fever. She's real spry when she's so's to be crawlin', I'xpect too spry to be 'hulsome.

Ah ain't gwine tell no boy dat Mistah Hamlin, he say he am supercargo, an' dat he reckon he got orders f'om de owners; and Mistah Cap'n Falk, he say he am cap'n and he cuss su'thin' awful 'bout dem orders; and Mistah Roger Hamlin he say Mistah Cap'n Falk his clock am a hour wrong and no wonder Mistah Kipping am writing in de log-book dat de ship am whar she ain't; and Mistah Kipping he swear dre'ful pious and he say by golly he am writer of dat log-book and he reckon he know what's what ain't.